The Home Stretch...

The final week of classes for students in Denver is always bitter sweet. There is joy over knowing that the journey has been completed, the assignments turned in, tests taken, and graduation follows. At the same time, there is also a feeling of anxiety upon entering the work and how to use the tools provided over the last two years. The disciplined structure changes and each individual is required to be a “self-starter” in accomplishing the work before them.

Even though these feelings exist, the training received over the last two years provides a foundation that equips these men to go with confidence in handling God’s word accurately and proclaiming the good news of Jesus. We ask you to pray with us on behalf of each family as they complete the week ahead and prepare for graduation next Sunday.

We also ask you to pray about the situation in Ukraine. The political turmoil surrounding the situation in Ukraine will have an impact on their graduation which is scheduled for the following week. These students have worked diligently for the last two years to prepare themselves for this same moment and the celebration is clouded by the difficulties of recent events. These students will graduate, but the anxiety they feel is much different. Please pray for them during this time.

Additional activities in the extension program continue to demonstrate the power of God working through the lives of dedicated Christians who serve in each location. Witnessing the increase provided by God is encouraging for everyone. Share this excitement with us in reading through the reports provided below and praying for each one.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

To read the latest report from Howell Ferguson about the situation in Ukraine, please click here.

To read the latest report from Tony Johnson, coordinator of the work in Tamale, Ghana, please click here.

To read the latest report from Jerry Bates about his recent trip to India, please click here.

Extension Reports 

Pray For The Work In Cameroon As It Grows: Lectureships, visitors, weekend evangelism,

church plants, out reach, all make the work in Cameroon exciting to watch grow.

New School In Ghana Progresses: The Southern Institute of Biblical Studies emphasizes the progress made over the last few months since its beginning.

Improving The System For Past And Present Students: The work of the West Coast School of Preaching continues to develop ways of improving the overall program.

Adjusting To New Approach To Curriculum: As the school in Cambodia continues to grow, a new approach to the curriculum is helping mature students in their Christian walk.

The 12th Annual Bible Lectureship / Graduation Forthcoming: Students in Nigeria are preparing for the completion of their studies and entering into kingdom work.

Spiritual Wellness For Church Growth: Lessons on becoming spiritual well are the theme for the church in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Political And Economical Crisis: But School Continues: In the midst of such challenge and controversy, BVBIU continues training others to share the gospel.

A Church Planted Near Mwanza With 18 Souls Baptized: The news is exciting in Tanzania as another church is planted when 18 souls obey the gospel. 

Saying Good-bye After 10 Years In Tanzania: Jimmy Gee and his family are returning to the U.S. after 10 years of service in Arusha.

A Mother’s Day Tribute From Africa: The beauty of godly mothers who influence families in the area of missions is part of this story from Daniel Gaines in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for your contribution to this work. Many of you are the financial backbone of the extension program, but others contribute in ways that are also important: time, abilities, travel, encouragement, prayers, etc. There is no part of this work that is unimportant. We need each of you to help us in the development and growth of each location. Thank you for making it possible.

God bless

Posted on May 11, 2014 .