Campaigns Highlight This Week's News...

UPDATE: We received news this week about Cy Stafford’s progress as he continues with physical therapy. The plan is to get his strength built up enough to receive future chemo-therapy treatments. His progress has amazed doctors, but we know it is the power of an almighty God who answers prayer. Please continue to pray for our dear brother, friend, and fellow-worker in the kingdom. If you know Cy, you know how desperately he desires to be in the field serving in kingdom work. Continue to pray for Stephanie and their entire family.

Students from Denver participate this week in campaigns. These campaigns range from Denver to the Cayman Islands to the Kayenta, Arizona. Students focus their attention on reaching out to these various areas to share the gospel, encourage the church where they serve, and bring glory to God through their efforts. We love hearing about the results of their time when they return and begin classes again. Please pray for them during this time.

Extension news from around the world shares exciting information about the development of the program. We received reports this week from Togo, Ukraine, Tanzania, Cameroon, Paraguay, and Nigeria. As you have time, please read through the reports and pray for the people who diligently serve in each location. Pray about the circumstances they face, the lives that are touched, and the future of their outreach. We believe you will be encouraged by what you read this week and every week.

As the design of training preachers progresses in Denver and around the world, we find the power of God at work. The development of these students, who prepare themselves for the work of ministry, continues to shape the direction of souls on an eternal basis. The opportunity to share in this effort and participate in the preaching of the gospel cannot be overstated. The biblical example and the current progress demonstrates the hand of God. Thank you.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Read the latest report from Howell Ferguson by clicking here.

Extension Reports

The Recent Trip To Lebialem Proves Beneficial For Several Reasons: Lessons continue to be learned as students travel to Lebialem, Cameroon for weekend evangelism.

As A New Congregation Is Planted In Adeta, The Work Grows In Togo: The efforts of staff and students in Kpalime, Togo assists the planting of a new congregation in Adeta.

Two New Students Join The Program This Month In Ukraine: The efforts in Ukraine are challenging, but in the midst of adversity they continue to find a way to grow.

Dreams Of A Water Supply Come To Fruition In Nigeria: After a tremendous participation of several partners, the school in Nigeria completed the borehole for a water supply.

A Little Down Time Before The Tempest In Paraguay: The report from the Spradlin’s is always encouraging as the program increases the outreach around Asuncion.

Student Outreach Program Begins This Month At ACSOP: A program started earlier begins again this month as students prepare to reach out with the gospel in Arusha.

Preparing The Shamba In Arusha For The Long Rains: If you wonder what a shamba is, you might want to take a few minutes to read about the progress in Tanzania.

Final Thoughts
We express our gratitude to God each day for your involvement in this program. Without your participation in the work, we would be unable to affect the lives of those who need the gospel. The souls added to the kingdom and the congregations that are uplifted all point to the value of the extension program. The partnership is beautiful and exciting. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on March 6, 2016 .