KSOP Students Complete First Quarter Of Studies...

Dear Brethren,

On behalf of the faculty and students of the six week old Kenya School of Preaching, I send my greetings to you. We are very much happy to be fellow workers with you in the Lord’s vineyard. Your prayers and sacrifices are greatly appreciated. We sadly join through prayers to God with fellow brethren and States that were hit and affected by the hurricane in the loss and destruction. In most of the times we cannot explain why some things occur but I am comforted in knowing that God is in control and he knows (consider the seven “I know…” Rev 2:2,9,13,19; 3:1,8,15). I have been ill but now am doing good and have an appointment with the doctor next week. Thanks for your prayers and still keep going to the Lord.

The six weeks have been that of settling down while at the same time working. Everyone is adapting very well to the changes and we thank God we have not witnessed any serious problem health wise on the students side, but those that are manageable. The students are now done with the five courses. They have done final exams and will submit the research papers by the end of the month before going for the December long break.

I did send two students to go and help lead Bible classes and worship services at the young revived church, Nyamasare, 80 km away, for three consecutive Sundays and the result was marvelous. Three baptisms on their third visit and also helping them stop errors of women leading singing and making denominational testimonies during worship. We pray this school will be capable as it trains men to also send them out occasionally to the congregations around western Kenya to evangelize and fight liberalism which is prevalent here as in other areas. Tomorrow, November 11th, 6 students from KSOP will be leading Bible classes and worship services at three different congregations, Butere church, Kaila church and Umuri church.

Short courses will run from November 12th -23rd. The students will have the opportunity of studying “Personal Evangelism 1” and “The New Testament Church” under fellow native instructors Obadiah Omutele and George Ong’ondo respectively. Both are graduates from ACSOP in Arusha, Tanzania.

We were very much privileged in the past weeks to have Bob Turner of BVBID and Cy Stafford of ACSOP Arusha visit us at the school. It was inspiring for the new student to hear Turner speak on Leadership and be with Cy who has played great role in molding us through his vision. Bob Turner, thank you for the English song books and helping us fix our photocopy machine and the computer after the power surge, they are now working well.

Attached find pictures of students in class and the secretary's desk.

Brethren we thank you, keep us in your prayers to overcome challenges common with young and new preaching schools as ours.

In His service,
Charles Ogutu

Posted on November 11, 2012 .