Adverse Circumstances Do Not Prevent The Gospel From Spreading...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this part of the globe. I do hope you are doing great and God’s blessings are upon you all. We are doing great, but most people are struggling with health problems these few days, such as malaria. We pray all goes well with them.

Last week in BVBIC-Aotutu was great as usual. Our students continue to dig deep into the word of God as they prepare themselves for full-time ministry come the end of this year 2016, as they will graduate from school.

The local government of the area gave a letter to my office concerning the youth day celebration, which involves the school. Our Bible college is the only higher eduction institute in the area, so they wanted our participation for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the independence of our great nation Cameroon. We usually spend time during the celebration to share the good news to students and state officials. We shall do the same this time around, as we shall share hundreds of mission printing tracts.

This weekend was also great in evangelism, as our students traveled far and near to reach out to many souls with the message of the old rugged cross. We went to two virgin lands for the planting and nurturing of the seeds. Wow! We give glory to God; it was great.

We were blessed again by our van taking us to Likomba village around Tiko, as we had the vision to establish a new congregation is this very big village. The village is populated with a lot of people working in the banana plantation. Keep the work in your prayers.

Our students and I were on house to house evangelism in Likomba village. We were impressed with the people’s receptivity. There is a signal that this work will blossom. Keep it in your prayers. The other work was in Mbiaka village, after Koba, in an environment that only a motor bike can take people there. Some of our students joined some of our graduates, like evangelist Enow Elvis and evangelist Namana Martin. The Lord blessed the work with 4 precious souls. The chief gave his house so that they should start worshipping there. Today was the first day that members of this community could witness the worship of the New Testament church. Please, we solicit your prayers for the growth of this work, as we established congregations. Our responsibilities are getting increased and our challenges are multiplied because we must send our students every week to make sure worship in being conducted to the new converts, as we nurture them to grow. We love to do this and we thank God for the privilege.

Everywhere in these communities people were attracted by our students black suits. Many thought they were lawyers or barristers. We told them we are evangelists and defenders of the truth. We are being insulted and persecuted for the gospel sake.

I was part of it. With my joy, I love to follow my students around so that they can see my passion for souls and commitment for the development and growth of the church of Christ. I was amazed as many people of all ages abandoned what they were doing to listen and asked reasonable questions. Keep praying for the work. We can see a good future.

This morning I gave out the last copies of the Bible from my office. More and more new converts are in need of Bibles. Keep praying for us to have more as we empower them with the tool which no man made weapon can destroy to those who take the words into their hearts.

1) Our annual Bible lectureship is coming up in November. Please, always remember this in your prayers alongside our matriculation and graduation ceremony.

2) We shall continue driving down to Likomba village every weekend to nurture and help the young congregation grow.

3) We shall have the second student wive’s class beginning February 19th. Keep the student’s wives in your prayers as they travel to Wotutu for the second edition of the program aimed at equipping them alongside their husbands as they prepare for ministry.

God bless you. Thank you for all that you do to make things happen here. Your prayers and support are the wheels that keep this work going. I doubt if you were not there what would have been made of this work.

God bless you and keep you safe. We can see the bad weather conditions that threaten life over where you are. We pray and pray for your safety throughout this season.

Do your bestto share this news with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on January 24, 2016 .