Special days in Nepal

Respected brother in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

We are extremely sorry for late reporting from our school. We began our new class from November 2017. We have nine students now.  We have finished our one year Bible study from the books of the entire Bible. Brother Jerry Golphenee had taken books of the Old Testament. Brother Arun and Gajendra had taken books of the New Testament. If the Lord willing our next graduation will be on September 2019.

Lectureship: There was a lectureship in our school on 20th-23rd of March 2018. We had lessons from books of Ephesians and Colossians. We had nearly fifty people were gathered in our class. Our graduated students and preachers were taken classes. 

Ladies seminar: I would like to write brief report about our school activities during last six months.  We had a ladies Bible seminar from June 12-15 of 2018. We had 50+ ladies were participated. We had chosen study books from 1, 2 & 3 John. Many ladies were encouraged from lessons.

Youth camp: We had a Bible study with small numbers of youth's groups in this year. 16-19 of October 2018 were the date of youth camp.  All of our graduated students took class. We enjoyed our classes.

Holiday: we began our five weeks of long holiday from 12th of October 2018. We will start our class from 19th of November 2018. School students and staffs are planning to visit some of our graduated student's home congregations for Bible study, recruiting students for next classes. 

We have Rs. 28,00,000/- (Twenty eight lakhs Rupees)  money from Healing hand international for earthquake affected areas. We will distribute them from October- December of this year. We will use wisely and honestly for the benefit of the people.

Thank you for your love and concern.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar  

Posted on October 30, 2018 .