As A New Congregation Is Planted In Adeta, The Work Grows In Togo...

Church of Christ Now Meets In Adeta
Adeta is a commercial city about 30 minutes drive from Kpalime. The Chariot team was there in January to evangelize with the goal of planting the Lord’s church. 

Activities during the church planting exercise included: house to house Bible study, public preaching, a film show at night, and tract distribution. Activities were climaxed with a worship service on Sunday. Though only one person was baptized, there are fifteen prospects that are now going through serious home Bible studies. 

On the first Sunday after the campaign, the team rented a warehouse as a temporary place of worship. They have since started looking for a permanent place of worship. 

We have plans to use a nucleus from the Kpalime churches to join visitors in Adeta for worship each Sunday. We plan to organize periodic outreach programs there by mobilizing workers from congregations in the Kpalime area to visit the church and spend an entire day conducting house to house Bible studies. We shall need a $100.00 a month support for the preacher who is planning to work with this new congregation. 

At The Preacher’s Meeting
The preachers in the Kloto Region meet on the first Monday of each month to discuss pertinent issues as they relate to the development of congregations in the region. These men have remained committed to the work in spite of the difficult circumstances under which they work. We need financial assistance for these men to motivate them to even do better. The congregations they work for are still young and are not financially sound to support their preachers. 

Fencing BVBI-Togo Vegetable Garden
On my recent trip to Kpalime, we commenced the fencing of the property acquired for the vegetable production to feed the students and also generate income to support some of our mission efforts. We need partners in this agriculture project. 

Teaching a mid-week Bible Class in Kpalime, Togo
I had the opportunity to teach the first mid-week Bible class in 2016. I used the occasion to start the first in the series of lessons titled “Disciplines for the Disciple.” I encouraged the church to seriously consider personal spiritual exercises that draws one closer to God, such as prayer, fasting, giving, fellowship, church attendance, singing, benevolence etc. 

Time With The Chariot Team
I always spend time with the committee that works with the Gospel Chariot. On this occasion we assessed our performance during the previous year and our plans for 2016. The Gospel Chariot has rekindled the spirit of evangelism in the Kloto Region of Togo. Many have been led to Christ, new churches have been planted, and the Church of Christ has become very popular in the area. 

Report by: Willie Gley 

To see Willie’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on March 6, 2016 .