Graduation Is The Highlight Of The Week...

One of the exciting opportunities when traveling to the various extension locations is to participate in graduation ceremonies. Last Friday evening, the International Bible Institute of Siem Reap hosted their third graduation. Eleven students graced the stage to receive their certificate as family and friends honored them for their accomplishments. The joy and excitement shared in this event is a small glimpse into the reasons extension training is making a difference around the world. A full report will be shared in the weeks ahead from the director of the program at IBISR.

Over the next two months, several other locations will host graduation ceremonies for students who are completing their studies. The Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria will host graduation later in August and the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo will host their graduation ceremony the first week in September. Other locations are nearing this great event also and we ask you to pray for the graduates, their work in the kingdom, and for the incoming students who begin their journey.

Speaking of a new journey: As we approach August, a new group of students in Denver prepare for their first day of class next week. The anticipation of that first day of class is thrilling for incoming students. They are filled with wonder as to what the courses will be like and what they will learn over the next two years in preparation for preaching the gospel. The road ahead for them seems like an eternity as they begin, but the next two years will go by incredibly fast. Please remember to pray for these men and their families.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

Weekend Evangelism In Batoke, Cameroon Sees 7 Energetic Souls Added: The reports from Cameroon are encouraging as their weekend evangelism is growing the kingdom.

In The Midst Of Sadness In Cameroon, Joy Is Found In The Lord: Brother Ititi shares information about the recent passing of one of the students, brother Albert Naoussi.

Outreach Near Chimala, Tanzania Produces Fruit For The Kingdom: During the month of July, students at Chimala Bible Institute were sharing the gospel and God gave the increase.

The Kingdom Expands More And More Here In Tanzania: The work in Arusha is exciting as it reaches out into areas of Kenya and northern Tanzania.

Serving Where Conversions Are The Norm, Not The Exception: The report from Cy Stafford is exciting as he shares news about God blessing the proclamation of the gospel.

Final Thoughts 
The joy of seeing the gospel spread throughout the world is due to the compassion and generosity of each of you. Thank you for allow us the opportunity to partner with you and the great men and women in each location. The work being accomplished is building the kingdom of our Lord and glorifying His holy name. Thank you for helping make it all possible.

God bless

Posted on July 26, 2015 .