New Year, New Job At ACSOP, Tanzania...

A whole new group of challenges and opportunities were awaiting me upon my return to Tanzania. I have accepted the responsibility of serving as director of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. This is an exciting new role for me to fill on this mission team. As I direct the school, my focus will be on preparing my Assistant Directors for a time when missionaries are no longer actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the school. Although American support will always be needed, our goal is to be able to turn the administration over to our African brothers. 

A fresh new crop of preaching students is ready to undertake the challenge of training to be gospel preachers. We are expecting 16 students in this year’s intake. I’m looking forward to watching these men grow in the coming months. 

In this new year our family is also shifting more of our focus towards the newest church plant, the Njiro Chini congregation. With most of the campaigns this year focused on this area, it makes sense to have a missionary present on the ground. We still love Ilkiurei and will continue to keep tabs on them as they mature and grow. 

This should be a great year of service to our Lord! 

Tiffany’s Thoughts: 
Hi Ho! Hi Ho! It’s Back to Work We Go! 

Furlough was amazing! I received a badly needed lift in spirits and am now ready to get back to work with vigor. The Saturday after returning I resumed teaching at the monthly Preacher’s Wives Class at the Arusha Bible School. Jane Massawe and Ludovica Ahimidiwe also taught classes and it was truly a day of blessings and encouragement for all of us. 

Sunday morning we worshipped with the Njiro Chini church and I taught children’s Bible class (held in the living room of the member currently hosting worship.) It was fun to be back in the swing of things and watch the children enjoy the lesson, songs, and activities. 

Meet sweet Abigail. Abigail is 4 years old. Last year she attended VBS at Njiro Chini Kanisa la Kristo. While her parents worship with the Roman Catholics, Abby walks alone to worship. Isaiah 11:6 “A child shall lead them...” Never underestimate the power of educating children in Christ. For 8 months Abby has worshipped here and her parents are noticing and asking questions. 

Student Spotlight 
Martin Tluway comes to us from the Karatu district where he operates a secondary school. His goal is to use the training that he receives at ACSOP to better teach his students about Jesus, and to plant a new congregation of the Lord’s church in his village. 

Daniel Gaines

To see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on February 15, 2015 .