This Won't Be In The Report, Will It?

"Let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us..." Heb. 12:1                     

Dear Co-Laborers: 

We hope you are having a great Sunday! Jimmy left early this morning to preach and teach at the Moshi congregation. Afterwards he will be traveling to Dar es Salaam (along with Elly and Neema Martin) to pick up the British visas and the U.S. tourist visas at the Embassy. Jimmy won't return until Thursday evening (yes, it takes that long to drive, attend the interview and receive the visas and return home). Trina taught the ladies class (Genesis 42) and Candace taught the children's class at the Kisongo congregation.    

Saturday, we attended the funeral of David's grandmother, a very friendly and sweet person. Close female friends or relatives of the deceased wear white to the service. An interesting belief is that the body of the deceased must first go back to their house (to say "good-bye" to their home) before being transported if service is elsewhere. 

"This won't be in the report, will it?" asked Elijah after he said something really funny (that I've forgotten now). Saturday, the girls invited friends over for a "farewell" party to say good-bye. Next Sunday, April 28th, we will leave immediately after services to go into Arusha, eat a quick bite, then get on a large bus (coaster) which will travel to Nairobi, Kenya. Later that night we will board the plane. You will not receive another update until the end of May (during furlough we will report monthly on our travels, etc).

We thank God for each and every one who has contributed and/or prayed for us concerning our furlough! We simply cannot thank you enough for your sacrificial giving. However, we are still waiting for some funds to arrive. 

We're looking forward to seeing you real soon! Thank you for the outpouring of love and concern. 

With Love from Africa, 
Jimmy, Trina, Lindsey, Abigail, Heather, Candace, Stuart, David, Naomi, Elijah and Matthew

Posted on April 21, 2013 .