The Blessing Of Extension Training...

God has blessed the work of so many wonderful men who are preaching the gospel around the world. I am thankful to share in and partner with these brethren as they labor so diligently. As you read through the reports this week, I believe you will have a clearer picture of what I am talking about with these statements. Training men to preach, and then seeing them put their training into practice is exciting.

The Bear Valley students in Denver just completed their first quarter of studies this school year and they are all out on campaign this week. They will be talking to people in New Hampshire, Ohio, and two locations in Colorado. Their efforts will be focused on evangelism and edification. They want to reach out with the gospel to the lost in these communities, but they also want to encourage and build up the local congregation. I look forward to sharing more about their work in the weeks to come. 

As well, several of the men at Bear Valley will be traveling to Tanzania to teach class, do seminars, participate in the Andrew Connally School of Preaching’s annual Leadership Conference. While in East Africa, I am also looking forward to traveling to Kisumu, Kenya to visit with Charles Ogutu, and other staff members, about the beginning of the Kenya School of Preaching. We are privileged to share with Charles and others in this work. We are thankful to the Charlotte Avenue congregation for their vision, oversight and support of training men to preach in Kenya. The partnership that has been formed is working to help the country of Kenya come to know and obey our God.

Upon returning to the U.S. the second quarter of studies will begin in Denver. Awesome is the word that first comes to mind when I think about what is taking place in Denver and, then to read about the powerful work being done through each Extension School. Thank you for making this all possible.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Back In Class In Cameroon: Students have returned from campaign and they are now studying in their final quarter as students at CBIW.

Liberia Bible College Is Up And Going: “Going strong” might be a better way to state the exciting news about the new class of students in Monrovia, Liberia.

Kenya School Of Preaching Begins Class: October marked the beginning of studies for the first class at the KSOP.

Influencing Secondary Students, 35 Kids And Dusty Roads: The Chimala Bible Institute is making a huge impact on the population in Southern Tanzania.

Containers Arrive And Churches Hear The Gospel: The Wagner family was glad to see their container finally arrive. As well, they have been active in preaching the gospel.

Parliament Elections And Preaching In Ukraine: There is both political and spiritual activity taking place in Gorlovka at this time.

God Gives The Increase In Paraguay: The church in Asunción rejoices with the increase God has given in the addition of two families.

Tanzania Leadership Conference: Beginning Thursday this week the Andrew Connally School of Preaching will host their annual Tanzania Leadership Conference. 

Final Thoughts
You are all a great blessing to me. I am thankful to participate in the greatest work on earth. The challenges do not seem so great when everything is put into the right perspective. God still sits on the throne and reigns over all. Just day we get to be with Him in heaven. What a wonderful God we serve.

God bless

Posted on October 7, 2012 .