Hero Of The Month...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

Pray as you might, this much we know, God is good and He answers the prayers of the righteous. He is answering your prayer in mighty ways here in Tanzania. To be just a small part of this grand mission work of God’s is a blessing to beyond measure.

I would like in this short report, to mention the “hero” of the month. This man of God has blessed so many lives over the last two weeks or so, we thank him and we thank our God for him. He represents others who sacrificially give to this work over and over again.

His name is Mike Reese. Mike came to teach a short course in the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. He taught the first year students “Christian Apologetics.” He came prepared and he also came with a number of books on the assigned topic. Through a donation made from the “Warren Christian Apologetics Center”, Mike was able to supply each of the students, the ACSOP library and even the missionaries, with books on the mentioned topic. This is a blessing to everyone and for this we thank the WCAC and Mike for his thoughtfulness.

Mike finished class on Friday the 8th and left for a youth camp in the Western part of Kenyan on Saturday morning. They arrived at their destination on Sunday morning around 03:00 a.m. Mike was escorted by a team from Tanzania, Elly, his wife Neema and their young daughter Ellyneema. Also, Ahimidiwe and Charles joined them. 

The report from Mike was that Jacob and David (two of our graduates) did a fantastic job getting things ready for the Youth Camp. The final numbers are still being calculated, but there were around 200 present from 20 or so congregations. The best thing of all, 25 souls gave their lives to Christ through obedience to the Gospel. Thank you Mike, Elly, Ahimidiwe, Charles, Neema, David, and Jacob, job well done! 

They made their way back to Arusha, arriving early Saturday evening. This morning, Ahimidiwe escorted Mike to Mto wa Mbu where Mike taught Bible class and preached God’s Word. Mike will fly out tomorrow night, having done God’s will here in Tanzania. 

Today, Stephanie, her mother Exel, two students; Gerald and Simon, and myself went to Moshi. They have invited me to come and teach a series on “Spiritual Disciplines”. I will do so once a month for the next several months. One amazing thing stood out to me today at Moshi, in the worship hour there were 44 present (not including we visitors). Now if I were to ask you, “how many  do you believe were there for Bible class?”, what might you guess? Well, the number was 42, 96%! Not bad! Though a small group, they are spiritual giants! There were a number who responded asking for prayers and one brother restored. His name is Elijah. Please remember him in your prayers. 

Yes, God is good! May He bless you all in just the right way that your faithful service might glorify Him and bring about good to those around us. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Exel

Posted on April 17, 2011 .