30 Potential Students Need Your Help In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We thank our God for His great mercies and love for all mankind. We thank God for each of you and for the good you do in His Church where you serve and here, where you participate in the many ways you do. We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with those you love.

Today was a special day in the history of the Lord’s Church here in Tanzania. Fifteen of God’s finest graduated the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We have been privileged to have trained and graduated just over 90 evangelists. This class represents seven different regions throughout Tanzania, and one in Kenya. They go with new found knowledge and with the heart of a servant. We pray God’s richest blessing on them, their family, and their labors in the Lord.

Christopher Mwakabanje did a masterful job with this years graduation. Christopher is Co-Director with Jimmy Gee, Christopher being over the Ki-Swahili part of the program. This is our first graduating class in this new aspect of the work, Ki-Swahili. If the Lord wills, we hope to enroll 30 in with the new intake in February 2012. We have over 150 applications with new ones coming in each week. The Lord continues to “grow His work” and we desperately need trained evangelist to meet all the needs and opportunities coming our way.

A very special thank you to our dear brother Earl Edwards for a great work. He taught the first year students the books of 1 & 2 Corinthians. He was also our Keynote speaker at graduation, with a masterpiece for a lesson for the graduates. He will leave Sunday night. Please remember him in your prayers.

We need your prayers and your help! We need ten congregations / individuals willing to help meet this need / opportunity. We need $200 per month times the 10 students in order to maximize our upcoming intake. Can you help with $25, $50, $100 or even the whole $200 a month for the two year program? We need Elders willing to challenge the Lord’s Church with a year end, one time offering to meet this need. Can you help?

Almost without exception, a new congregation of the Lord’s people is being planted somewhere in Tanzania/Kenya/Uganda, East Africa. The “door of opportunity” is open. The Lord is blessing His work and He will continue to do so! So, will we answer the need? Do our part? Truly make a difference? We know you will and we thank you for your continued partnership in the Kingdoms work.

Great News! We have received almost all the funds needed for the new generator for the school. We only lack $2,000 to make the purchase and have it installed. What say ye? 

The good news continues to come in from the field. Souls are being added to the Lord’s Church daily throughout East Africa We stand in awe as to the good being done and we are humbled by your thoughtfulness, love and support. May our God bless you all, in all the right ways. Come see us when you can. Stand with us in the True Gospel. 

We close with an offering: Stephanie and I will be in the States during the months of February and March of 2012. Our calendar is filling up fast. If you have a desire to have us come and report on the good being done, please drop us a note and we will do our best to make it happen. Until all have heard! 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on November 27, 2011 .