The Providence Of God Is Seen In Arusha, Tanzania...

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Mathew 20:28). This command is to every one who believes in Him. The Lord gave this command without telling us how we should go about fulfilling it, but rather He just wants us to go. In our present age, we have many venues of which we can use as we go about fulfilling this command and yet most of us we still do not do that. 

In December last year, I received a message for “a brother” from Ghana whose name is Solomon. I do not know how he got my number, but that was not a big deal. He introduced himself as a brother in the Church of Christ from Ghana, and he had been communicating with several people in Tanzania through “WhatsApp.” He sent messages to me with names and contacts of those people, asking me if I would study more with them in the Bible. He thought I lived close to them, but all the contacts were more than 400 miles from where we are. I then tried to call all those contacts to see if they existed. Finally, I was able to direct them to the Lord’s Church which was close to them. One of those contacts was a lady known as Rahel who lives in the Geita area. I called brother Yusufu Mdaki and asked him if he would go and study with her. Yusufu went and as he arrived there, Rahel invited her neighbors so that they could all study together. A brother was born from that study and now the church will soon be established in that area. 

Therefore, we should not underestimate the power of communication. We can bring as much as we can in His Kingdom, just by clicking the buttons of our phones from home. 

This is but one of the stories of what is going on in the Lord’s Kingdom here in East Africa. It would not be possible if you had not supported us through your prayers and finances. May the Lord bless you beyond measure. 

Please do not forget to continue to pray for our beloved brother Cy who is still sick in the hospital. 

Your servant in His Kingdom, 

Charles Mwanga,
Andrew Connally School of Preaching. P.O. Box 14041, Arusha – Tanzania

Posted on February 28, 2016 .