Director visits Tirupati, India

Reporting Letter for the month of March-2024

Date :04-04-2024

Respected beloved brother Keith Kasarjian our director and our coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds and all the prayer partners, greetings to you in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We pray that this reporting letter may help us to serve in finding you well. We thank you very much for your continual prayers and encouragement for the smooth function of Bible School . On behalf of BVBI-extension centre in Tirupati-India I would like to share a brief report for the month of March-2024.

Class Room work: We follow the syllabus prescribed by BVBI, on time to time we conduct examinations, daily tests ,  memory verses , note book evaluation, assignments work , weekend examinations etc... Our teachers are excellent in concentrating each student to mold them to be good Bible students. It is our main goal to cultivate each student to develop the Christian character and train them up to teach the word of God to fellow Indians ( 2 Timothy 2:2). We train them how to proclaim to outside people (outside of Christ)  and how to teach inside members( In christ).

Short courses :- There are few guest teachers who are not able to teach from Monday to Friday. But we use them for the short courses. We are happy to share about few short courses which we have covered by the guest teachers in the month of March.

Mr.Keith Kasarjian:  We are very happy to invite our International director to teach at BVBI-Tirpati-India. In the month of March 3 week Mr. Keith Kasarjian  was  able to visit the school, he taught wonderful subjects 1. The Importance preaching 2. The kind of preaching that God calls for,  3.The foundation of Preaching , 4.Ingridients for the great sermon (Inspiration, organization, Illustration and application). Our students, staff, guest preachers were able to learn good subject by our director. We are thankful to our director for all his hardship and efforts to travel and teach these wonderful lessons.

Malaysia Teacher :- We are very much delighted to share with you that one of the instructors  Mr.Richard Lee has visited from Malaysia  in the month of March. He taught very good subject about the Qualities of servant of the God ( Coworker, Fellow soldier, Messenger, brother, minister Philippians 2:25-30) and other subject on Baptism.  After course he has distributed carry bags to all the staff and students. We appreciate his love and kindness.

Australian Teacher : We had other teacher Mr. Mandalidis Peter from Sydney , Australia.  He taught  wonderful subject called Hermeneutics. He is 75 years old but God has strengthened him to travel and teach. We are thankful to this teacher.

Bible Seminar: -  We have identified  the need of leadership in  local churches in India. Therefore We have conducted bible seminar on leadership in the month of  March 19th,2024. We have invited local preachers and active members of local churches for the meeting.

Our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian has presented two  lectures in the seminar on The role of preacher in obtaining elders and The role of elders. The Malaysian teacher Mr .Richard Lee has preached on the role of evangelist and Preacher in the local churches  and Australian teacher Mr. Mandalidis Peter has taught about the importance of eldership in the local church. After the seminar several participants have raised different questions concerning the eldership, bro.Keith kasarjian has answered by quoting right scriptures and motivated all the preachers to appoint elders in the local churches.

Karnool district Visit: In the month of March first week  our students and myself have travelled about 1000 K.M(to&fro)  to Karnool district , we were invited by local church at Gudur. We preached  about the subject “New testament church”. The local church was encouraged by our humble visit and teaching. Our students have learned several good things by this trip.

Wedding event: In the month of March 8th we have attended wedding event at Jangalapalli-Village,  BVBI students have learned how to organize the marriage.

Home Bible studies :  In the evening we actively involve  in conducting the home bible studies. We receive good response out of this program.

Zoom Meeting: We conduct zoom meeting on every Thursday at 7am, at present we are studying the book of Acts, this class helps to several people to learn the truth.

Gospel meeting : on March 16th evening we have conducted gospel meeting at Aruru-village.  we appreciate Mr. Richard lee for his wonderful gospel sermon.

Baptism: In  the month of March two souls were baptized, we request you to pray for these newly baptized souls so that they may grow in the image of His son Jesus Christ.

We once again thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We treat BVBI is a great blessing of God, it is really a wonderful platform to train  young people for the great cause of gospel of Christ. We are ever grateful to our director Mr.Keith Kasarjian and coordinator Mr.Mark Reynolds for their sacrifice , commitment and restless efforts to guide us and care for the Bible school at  Tirpati-India. We sincerely appreciate their help. We need your continual prayers and encouragement.

Thanking you.

Yours brother in Christ.

Vijay, behalf of staff and students from BVBI-extension centre-Tirupati-India.

Posted on April 4, 2024 .