Gueckedou, Guinea conducts successful leadership seminar


Since the Bear Valley International lnstitute is our main supporter in this noble work of training preachers, as we share the updates, it remains our duty especially to faithfully and sincerely report to them the activities that we do. Thus, below are the works realized here during the month of January.


After a month's break for the end of year season, we resumed classes on January 10, 2023 to continue our work and the following courses were taught:

1- Christian evidences. From 10 to 23 January 2023, by Niouma and Kamano.

2- Hermeneutics 2. From January 23 to 27, 2023, by Antoine Fasa.

The evaluation results of the written and oral exams were notable and they proved to us that the students have understood the lessons.


The month of January 2023 is certainly the beginning of another year of great previlege for us here at the Gueckedou Bear Valley Bible Institute to make Heaven rejoice. We are pleased to inform you that by His divine power, the Lord  translated 8 precious souls into his Kingdom  having confessed His Name and going through the waters of baptism. This is the result of the different evangelistic efforts of brothers Eloi Tolno, the preacher at Fassaba, Francis Musa and the staff at the Institute.

III-Training of local congregational leaders.

After a meeting with our coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, when he came here in October 2022 and then in an audiovisual conversation last December, he encouraged us to do a rapid training program for the leaders of local congregations for their edification.

With his material and financial support, we had this training done from January 15 to 29, 2023. Twelve individuals took the training and were taught the following courses:

1- The 2 covenants by Francis Musa from 16-18/01/2023

2- The New Testament worship by Antoine Fassa from 19-21/01/2023

3- The New Testament Church by Emmanuel Kamano on 23-24/01/2023

4- Overview of the Bible by Robert Kamano from 25-26/01/2023

5- Homelitics (public speaking) by Niouma 2 Kamano from 27-29/01/2023.8

With regard to the result of this training it has been such an interesting program of edification and production of leaders capable to lead local congregations. We are eager to manifest all our appreciation for it.

This program is very beneficial for the churches at Gueckedou and will no doubt be for all the country of Guinea in that:

- Men are edified and turned into leaders or preachers in a short time.

- Some of these leaders are put on the waiting list for a full-time program of 2 year study. 

- It encourages and promotes the establishment of new assemblies.

IV-Construction of Worship halls 

Through the good management of our valiant Coordinator, Steven Ashcraft, the churches in Gueckedou continue to enjoy the grace of God through the willingness of a brother in the Lord to assist the local congregations in the construction of houses for worship. After the 2 congregations of Damas and Bandainin in 2022, three other congregations - Fassaba, Ledoumboulo and Dento began to build in January 2023.


While we engage to climax the remaining activities of the first batch of those who just completed the rapid training, our suggestion is for another of the same program to be organized for other leaders of local congregations from March 1 to 15, 2023.


As usual, for all the above, we thank God first, because without him we can do nothing. Then we thank Bear Valley International for the spiritual, moral, financial, and material support for the advancement of God's work in Gueckedou and in Guinea. We also thank our coordinator Steven Ashcraft for his unwavering love in technically supporting the Church of Christ in Guinea.

Finally we say thank you to Ken, Barry and to all other people of good will, for supporting the work of God in Guinea.

May God render to each one according to his works. 


Posted on February 6, 2023 .