More baptisms in Lesotho

Greetings from BVBI Lesotho. Thank you for your prayers, Lesotho held peaceful, and harmonized elections on the 7th of October. The country has a new government and we pray it will rebuild the collapsed economy.

Three courses were taught from September to November. In September, Tawanda taught the book of Romans and 8 students attended. In October, 10 students were taught Church History by Tawanda, while 9 students attended Congregational Development in the subsequent month. Brother Robert is expected to teach the book of Revelation in the month of December.

In this reporting period the attendance of students was lower than other months. The reason being, 2 of our students are active soldiers, they had promotional training for more than 2 months, hence, they could not attend the classes. Another student got a new job which requires him to be at work during the weekends. While the other student is nursing her mother in-law who is critically ill. As BVBIL we pray for her mother in-law’s full measure of health so that the student will come back to class.

3 baptisms were recorded and a soul restored to Christ. Among the 3 souls is an 83 year old lady. As a school we are grateful to participate in what God is doing in Lesotho. Continue to pray for the success of the school

Posted on December 5, 2022 .