Making a difference in Lima

Dear brothers in Christ,

The Bible Institute continues, we started our second semester with a lot of encouragement, both students and teachers have done and are doing a great job. We concluded the previous semester with the Homiletics 1 course with Abraham Alata and we began this semester with the course of Hermeneutics 1 with me as a teacher. Students do their best to take advantage of this instructional time.

As part of our calendar of activities we had two days of Bible conference in the month of April (18-19), Christians from different congregations were invited to participate in this event, we received the visit of approximately 60 people each day, the exhibitors were the teachers of the institute two per day, the conference was based on the book of Philippians ("Prisoners of Joy"). This was also a very good time of fellowship and instruction for the brotherhood. If God allows it, we are setting precedents for future events, because we want to do it every year.

The students, as part of their training, developed an evangelistic activity together with some members of the Church of Christ in America (where the Institute currently operates), on May 1st this activity was developed.

We greatly appreciate the time taken to read this report and to support the activities both spiritually and materially, our Lord keep and bless you.

Your brothers,

Juan and Abraham

Posted on June 10, 2019 .