Upcoming seminar in Nepal

Respected brothers in Christ,

Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.

We are doing well in our Bible study programs. We are having our normal regular classes at the month of January and February 2019. Our current students are doing their best in their study. Besides of our classes we are having regular ladies Bible study with in different congregations of Kathmandu valley. Our ladies students present their lessons to the ladies. We are happy with their spiritual growth and maturity.

Our formal students are serving faithfully in the kingdom of God. We are always glad to hear their good news from their congregations. Please kindly remember them in your regular prayers.

This month we did lots of preparation for lectureship at March 11-14, 2019. Brother Jerry Bates and Sister Paula Bates are visiting us. We are planning to invite our graduated students and preachers from different parts of Nepal and India. Please kindly remember us in your prayer for fruitful Bible study.

Thank you all of your prayer, support, love and guidance.

I will sent you another report in next month.

Brother in Christ,

Gajendra Deshar 

Posted on March 12, 2019 .