Excellent 1st quarter in Kenya!

Beloved of God,

Greetings from Kenya School of Preaching family, we pray and trust you are doing well. We thank God for His love and care as we labor in the Kingdom. Kisumu is still hot despite some slight rains and hope things will change during the April.

The break is over and all the 19 students are back in class for the third quarter, year one. This break was a very fruitful one, the faculty went to the field to work, the students were actively involved in the Lord’s work and the result is amazing. The excitement in the face of these students tells a lot and their daily spiritual growth is a big source of motivation to us and all that love the Lord.

Two new churches (Benongoi and Ildungiso) planted with total members of 37 by two current students, two churches (Meswondo 30 members and Sigaon 42 members) restored to true worship and stopped using instruments and hand clapping by former graduates in Bomet Rift Valley. 22 souls baptized and two restored with 51 new bibles studies established.

During the break Charles went and taught the book of 1, 2 Peter and Jude to 8 preaching students at Christians for preaching school in Sigomre for a period of five days. Later, Charles and Elias went to Nakuru for a two day gospel seminar and spoke on instrumental music and hand clapping. This is a major problem in many congregations that bear the name “church of Christ” here.

We also had another restoration plea meeting with liberal churches and denominations with over 50 attending in Homa Bay. The response was great and on April 15 they requested us to return and we will be discussing worship of the bible with them, keep us in your prayers.

This quarter the students will study Joshua-Ruth, Writing skills, Matthew, 1,2 Corinthians, Prison Epistles, Leadership and 1,2 Thessalonians. We have Charles, Elias, Mike Rowand and Ralph Williams teaching the classes.

We still keep on with the good work because of your unceasing prayers, support and encouragement. Thank you, God’s blessings be with you always.

His servant,

Charles Ogutu,

Director, Bear Valley Bible Institute extension school - Kenya.

Posted on April 11, 2017 .