Good news and gratitude from Cameroon

Dearest in Christ,

        Calvary greetings from this part of the globe. We are always excited to share with you what is making news in our area and hope this reports finds you all in good health and a sound faith.

     Last week at BVBIC-Wotutu our students were in full studies again for the third quarter and classes are going on well.

     Let me share some pictures with you all.

PIC 1 - This is me teaching personal evangelism, which is our mission. We don’t allow any stone unturned when it comes to evangelism.

PIC 2 - Our children in the congregation and at the orphanage keep growing. Our children are always happy whenever they find themselves in the house of God for worship or to study the Bible. The children in the Brightland Christian orphanage continue to grow not only in their size, but also spiritually.   

PIC 3 - Alang Francis obeyed the truth by being baptized into Christ. Please keep him in your prayers.


     Evangelism this weekend will be mass as we go with all the students in the van and the small car. We have dedicated this weekend to nurture nearby congregations to Wotutu.   


        Thank you very much for all the love shown to us , prayers on our behalf and the countless support. Pray and see how you can be a part in any way as we prepare for the annual Bible lectureship in Wotutu come November 2016. Graduation, matriculation, and the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Wotutu congregation. We are expecting over 6000 people and it will surely cost us about 2.000.000 frs to run the program for 5 days of evangelism and fellowships.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

#extensions #cameroon #wotutu

Posted on July 13, 2016 .