Student Outreach Program At ACSOP Brings Much Joy And Fruit...

In my previous report I shared with you in numbers, the progress and success we have had so far in our evangelism program here at ACSOP. It has continued to be one of the best ways for the school to work and strengthen congregations around the area. About 13 congregations have been blessed both physically and spiritually in this program for the past few months. The program brought about unity among the churches in the northern circuit. We are now, to a large extent, speaking the same sound doctrine, and our students have done a great job in teaching and edifying brethren. This program has helped to restore one congregation which turned away and followed the belief of binding one cup. Kingori church of Christ has about 35 intact church members and now they are worshipping God in a biblical way. Please continue to pray for this wonderful tool the school is using to reach many every weekend when the students are not in class.

Here are statistics of ACSOP student evangelism program for the month of March, 2016. (Report from 40 students and 6 faculty staff at ACSOP)

1.    Tracts handled out - 210
2.    Bible correspondence courses - 60
3.    Bible classes conducted - 168
4.    Active Bible classes - 53
5.    Baptisms - 14
6.    Restorations - 8

“Then He said to His disciples, “ The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Therefore beseech the Lord of harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:37-38 NASB).

It is my sincere hope that you will never get too tired to pray for this wonderful work that is going on here at the school of training men to go and teach in their local areas. May the Lord God open more doors to reach good hearts and add them to the church before it is too late.

Thank you again for your support and prayers as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on April 10, 2016 .