The End Of A Marvelous Year At ACSOP In Tanzania...

The year 2014 came and went and ended marvelously. I thoroughly enjoyed my work as a gospel preacher, taking part with my fellow preachers and faculty members at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. We have been able to accomplish much for the Lord and His kingdom during the past year.

During 2014 the Arusha congregation was blessed to have 7 souls put on the Lord in baptism and several souls restored. On the last Sunday of the year, congregations from around Arusha and Kilimanjaro were invited for a fellowship meal and singing after worship service. The attendance was tremendous. Children from the Arusha congregation were given a chance to present the memory verses that they have been learning in Bible class. They did a great job and were a good example to those children who came from other congregations.

Between December and January, I had the privilege of attending two youth camps. The Dar es Salaam youth camp that had one hundred eighty-one youth in attendance concluded with sixteen young people obeying the gospel. The other camp, known as Tanzanian Christian Camp (TCC), was in Arusha the following week and had ninety-two young people from congregations in the northern circuit of Tanzania. The theme for the week was “The Heart of Jesus” and was taught by several local teachers and the camp coordinator, John Rice. By the time camp came to a close fourteen young people had put on Christ in baptism.

As I close, I would like to thank brethren Cy Stafford, Sean Hochdorf, Charles Mwanga, Losotwa Michael and Ahimidiwe Kimaro for their assistance in making 2014 a successful year. It is my hope and prayer that the Lord will continue to use all of us to accomplish much for the kingdom here in East Africa and beyond her borders. Please pray for us as we all remember you in our daily prayers.

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma
Dean of Students - Andrew Connally School of Preaching
A Bear Valley Bible Institute International extension school
Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on January 25, 2015 .