Tracts Continue To Have An Impact In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ

Greetings from your brothers and sisters in Christ here in Cameroon. We do hope you are doing great in all that you do. We are doing better in health. Some of our students in the mission field could not continue because of ill health. We advised them to come back to school where they can get some medicine.

I am happy to report the happenings of last week. Our students are still on the mission field. Instead of one week, students are putting in an additional week because we had but one week of short courses instead of two. So we decided to invest the other week for evangelism in different locations. I am back from visiting some of them at the end of two weeks of intensive house to house evangelism and nurturing of congregations. By next Sunday I will be able to give a detailed report about their work.

The Mission Printing tracts continue to get into the hinterlands and towns of Cameroon. Many have not heard about the availability of tracts, but whenever they hear about it, they make a trip to Wotutu for the tracts. We continue to keep Mission Printing in our prayers for such a great work to reach out to many, many people through the printed page. We are also thankful for all the loving brethren who sacrifice in many ways to get the ocean container to us. Sister Emilia, from a village congregation, decided to pay for her trip to Wotutu to get tracts so that she will help many in the village as a teacher. She has great influence in that community.

She loaded up her boxes and was ready to ride on a motor bike, which is the easiest way to take off tracts to many locations.

As our students move from one congregation to another, they are nurturing and, at the same time, house to house evangelism is helping expose the truth. By so doing, many congregations are witnessing an increase and the halls they built many years ago cannot contain them any longer, do to the over flowing crowd in Muea congregation. It was not too long when I took a picture during a torrential down pour of rain, and those outside were forced to get inside and stand up. They are looking for means to get even nylon paper to put over them. Keep this congregation in your prayers.

Our student, Itoe David, is loved by this congregation, for they can see his love for the church and the love for lost souls. They told me we need someone to help us grow. We can barely afford food, but how will he sustain his life? As a single man, he needs to get married one day. What will he do to realize this dream?

We give God glory that we walk on stones and rivers and waters, at times on bad roads, so that we can rob from the strong man’s house. The mission work is good, but it has lots of challenges. Thank you for your prayers for us daily.

As we move from one house to another we take people to the Bible and point the word to those who are eager to study with us. Sister Linda, who always listens to our morning program, decided to come and worship for the past three weeks. She always reads tracts that we give her. This afternoon, she called me and told me that she is ready to be baptized, but she doesn’t have money to cook food for celebration. I told her Jesus paid that for her already. Open your heart and obey the gospel. She called the husband and the husband said “Go ahead, if you have found the truth.” After the baptism, the husband came and asked a series of questions about the church of Christ because he said all Christians are one nor matter your denominational affiliation. I gave him the tract, “The church of Christ, Who are these People?” and started a study with him. Keep him in your prayers, so that he will open his heart as we study with him. His name is Louis.

Sister Linda Owi smiled as she obeyed the Lord. She said, “Finally, I am a child of God in His body. Keep her and her family in your prayers.

The prison ministry is working well. We started realizing our dreams of the ministry, which is to preach and relocate a released brother to their villages and introduce them to the congregation there, if it is already there. Brother Paul Adrin, who was released last week, moved to Wotutu and spent some days with us for us to take him to his village in Mundemba, which is far from Wotutu, but it was our joy that we had the means to take him there and meet with the brethren there who were happy to welcome him. He is eager to serve God all the days of his life as an evangelist. God is great.

We are still making our plans to storm Lebialem for a mass evangelism in November, if the means to transport all the students there. This is an area characterized by Catholicism.

Our hearts are grateful to God for you for all that you are doing here. The work is in progress because of your love and sacrifice. If not for you, we keep you in our prayers for God’s blessings and providence.

Do your best to share our report with others. God bless you and keep you strong.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on September 28, 2014 .