The Spirit Of The Missionary...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We thank our Heavenly Father for the privilege of serving here in Tanzania and most of all, for each of you and your sacrifice making God’s mission work in TZ possible. It is a joyful life seeing the transformation of countless souls coming to the knowledge of God’s love, the saving power of Jesus Christ and the fellowship we share in the Gospel of love. 

Yesterday was one of those days that remind you what is important and how powerful God’s Word really is. The areawide congregations continue to support the new Church plant in Arusha, in the area of Njiro Chini. Several of the local evangelists and church members went throughout the area conducting several Bible studies. As a result, we now have another new sister in Christ. Others are very close to the Kingdom as they contemplate their eternal destiny. The three studies I was apart of reminded me of the fact, we are in the right place, doing the right thing at the right time. We simply need more help......

I have attached a PDF document that has an article written by Andrew Connally entitled; “The Spirit of the Missionary.” When I read this I thought of the 15 missionary families that have served on the Tanzania Missions team over the years. Each has left his or her mark on God’s work here in East Africa. Each contributing to the growth both spiritually and numerically. We are most grateful for men and women who are willing to go into new worlds, unknown cultures and often most challenging endeavors. 

As I read these words written by the man (Andrew Connally) who most influenced my idea’s regarding missions more than any other (besides Christ Himself), I thought mostly of Jimmy Gee, his family, as well as Nathan and Jessica McVeigh. Both families have returned to America, but both left a legacy of good works that have influenced souls for good and for eternity, each serving in different ways, working in their “strong-suites,” using their talents all to the glory of God and to the saving of the lost. Thank God for missionaries who strive faithfully with good attitudes, a godly spirit and can work together as good team members do. Thank you Jimmy, Trina, Gee children, Nathan and Jessica. We love you and we pray God opens the best door of opportunity that you all might be able to continue serving with all your desires and talents. 

We thank our amazing Christian family at Mayfield who donated the needed funds to replace our refrigerator. It has been a blessing to our lives to be able to host many in our home, including Cotton, Beulah, Gene and Steve from the Mayfield congregation. We are so very grateful to be a part of the best family on earth, the Christian family. 

Please remember the family of our late brother Isaac Mwangonde (a graduate of the ACSOP) who passed away this week, leaving his wife and three small children behind. Also, we have several who will be coming our way to participate in the annual Safari for Souls campaigns, please pray for them and our effort to “seek and save the lost.” Until all have heard...

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

The Spirit of the Missionary
Andrew Connally

“The pseudo saintism of some missionaries must be a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God! Yet, the men and women of God who live in a foreign land must ever radiate the true spirit of Jesus Christ. Such men and women are not angels nor ascetics. They are dedicated servants of their Savior. They must make no pathetic plea for sympathy for themselves, but rather seek cooperation for their work and the job they are doing.

As Kipling admonished:

    ‘Go to your work and be strong, halting not in your ways, 
Balking the end half-won for an instant dole of praise. 
Stand to your work and be wise----certain of sword and pen, 
Who are neither children nor gods, but men in a world of men.

The spirit of a missionary must be a composite of faith and works, action and reaction, reliance and relief, acceptance and aggression, expression and suppression, under insurmountable odds, never quitting nor losing hope. They must persevere when ordinary or lesser men would fail? Because their work is not an ordinary job! They work for God. They labor not in vain. They are building for eternity, and souls of men comprise the temple of Jehovah God. Their works shall live long after they have left this human scene. Their memory will be hallowed and eternity will reward them. 

The spirit of a missionary never must be daunted. He must bear criticism, jealousy, envy, rejection and veritable onslaughts of lesser men, yet always show forth the forgiving spirit and example of our Lord. Seldom does a good missionary escape such from his own brethren, and often his fellow missionaries. Only God and judgment will sort out such unjust, unchristian actions. But the missionary must bear this own cross and know that God will take care of him and finally will vindicate righteousness. 

Truly, a missionary has a noble calling and those who manifest such admirable qualities retaining the spirit of Christianity are worthy of our honor and esteem. ‘May their tribe ever increase?’”

[Book: So You Want A Glorified Holiday?; Missions --- Missionaries --- Methods ... All To The Glory of God. by Andrew Connally, Connally Publications, Seagoville, TX, pp. 21-22)]

Posted on May 18, 2014 .