Moving Forward With The Work In Haiti...

Greetings in the name of our Lord,
I first want to thank each of you for your prayers and words of encouragement as we continue our work for the Lord. My desire is to be a tool for the Lord in expanding the borders of His kingdom, the church. A special thanks to you who have given financially to the work; I could not do what I do without your partnership.

The Haiti Container Has Arrived!
We are glad to report that the container has arrived in Haiti! For several months we have raised the funds and people have donated items to ship a forty foot container to Haiti. The container was filled with items for the children’s home, the school of preaching and items to be used in other works. Your help and contributions have made this possible. We want to send another container but we need help. The cost for shipping, handing fees and customs comes to about $12,000. If you know of a person or congregation who would be willing to help raise or provide these funds, please have them contact me. The needs are great and the items shipped truly help thousands of people. 

International School of Theology
We continue to move forward with the school of preaching planned for Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, with a population of more than three million souls. While we have paid the rent for the first year ($15,000) more help is needed to sustain the school. I will be going to Haiti in June to make some of the final arrangements. We plan to have a two day conference and open house to introduce the school to the churches in Haiti. 

As I mentioned in our last newsletter, we have partnered with Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee. By combining forces we will be able to have some great Bible teachers and will be able to offer a high quality of education to the students. We plan to start accepting students in June for the fall enrollment and are hoping to have twenty-four students. We plan to have a website for the school in the future so you will be able to meet the students and see the facilities. 

Your help is needed. The cost for the school is going to be about $6,000 per month which is only about $250 per student. We need individuals and congregations to help us meet these needs. If you or the congregation can help provide and sponsor a student, I would be willing to come and give you full details about our plans, curriculum and provide any other information.

Roundup, Montana
In late June and early July we will travel to Roundup, Montana to work with the church for two weeks. The congregation is small, having only four members. The nearest congregation is in Billings, Montana and is about fifty-five miles away. The church in Billings and the church in Lewistown are very helpful and continue to visit the church in Roundup on a regular basis. 

There is a very nice building with a great deal of classroom space but they are in need of a full-time preacher working in the community. If you know of someone who might be interested in working in the big sky county, please let me know. The four members are willing to work and they are filled with love and have a strong desire to serve the Lord. 

Jamaica Campaign
April 18-26th, I had the privilege of traveling to Spanish Town Jamaica with a group from the North Henderson church of Christ - Steve Croom, Ethel Croom, Carleton Salfarlie, Friday Akpan, Elkanah Akpan and Elizabeth Saunders. We were the second week workers in a two week campaign for the Spanish Town church of Christ. The theme for the campaign was, “Let the Bible Speak.” Brother Carleton Salfarlie, the preacher for the North Henderson congregation, did the speaking each night and I spoke during the Sunday morning Bible hour. Brother Salfarlie preached powerful and scripture-filled lessons each night.  

Each day we knocked doors or conducted home Bible studies. We were also privileged to work with some of the preacher students from the Jamaica school of preaching. Some of these students I had worked with in Linstead, Jamaica last year. The growth and maturity that had taken place since last year was truly encouraging. The maturity of the students is a great commentary on the school. They are being well trained in the teaching of God’s word and the practical side of Christianity, evangelism and working with the lost. 

The two weeks of door knocking, home Bible studies and gospel preaching led to nine souls coming to Christ, one restored to their first love and several had their Christian life revived. We left the Spanish Town congregation with about fifty home Bible studies to follow-up with and several contacts to visit. To God be the glory and praise for all that was accomplished in His name. Brother Leslie Goode is the local evangelist and he serves the Lord daily reaching to the lost and working with the church.

The congregation is filled with love and joy in their service to God. The building was filled with about 120 people each night. The local members worked alongside us each day so that the local church would be able to do proper follow-up. They feed us three meals each day and while it might not have been exactly what we as Americans normally eat, it was great! The cooking crew was led by Sister Betty and she and the others made sure every worker had sufficient food. They cooked for about twenty workers each day.  The church reminded me of what Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:16 – Take a moment and read it.
On Thursday and Friday we were able to stream live broadcast around the world via the internet. Brother Derrick Brown, the preacher for the Jago church of Christ in Spanish Town, came with camera in hand and was able to send the message of Christ through the internet. I was able to get the word out to several and they too were able to join us. The Jago congregation broadcasts weekly over the internet at  You may wish to visit their web site at It is great to work and serve the Lord in a world where there are so many opportunities to reach the lost. Brothers Brown and Goode are only two men but they are truly making an impact on the Spanish Town community.

Final Thoughts
I have had the privilege of working with the Broad Street congregation in Lexington, Tennessee for almost 25 years and now serve as a resident missionary. I am thankful for the eldership I serve under and for this congregation. Brother PJ Hardy serves as the full-time evangelist and Carter Hoover serves as the youth minister. Virginia McClain serves as our secretary.  I am also thankful for my wonder wife, Carol, who supports me in every way with the work I am doing. She teaching at Freed-Hardeman and is not able to travel on all of the mission trips but is able to get in two or three a year. I am blessed to have her in my life. We have a great team and I know that I could not do the work that I am doing with out their encouragement, love, prayers and financial support.   

I have been privileged to work on or visit more than forty countries around the world and there are great needs in every one of them, including the United States. There are many great works being done that include evangelism, Christian maturity, training preachers, feeding the hungry, helping the hurting and educating people so they can have a better life. To God be the glory for all that is being done in His great name! 

Working for the Master,

Larry Waymire

To see Larry’s report with pictures, please go here.

Posted on May 18, 2014 .