Weekend Evangelism Yields Fruit In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

We praise God it is another new week in a new month. We thank God for His great care and providence to us through many hands. We do hope you entered into this new month with lots of blessings from above because we serve a faithful God.

All our students who went out for weekend evangelism are all back on campus. They came with great news from the all 10 locations we assigned them to reach out with His word. Dikome continues to witness increase now and the congregation will be adding more benches in the near future. Koba congregation is healthy and the work of their wooden building is in progress. Many thanks to God for His providence. We shall share pictures in future.

The first week of this quarter in CBIW has passed without any major problems, meaning this quarter had a smooth take off. Keep it in your prayers so that as we teach and instruct the students, those courses will provoke growth as we prepare them for full time ministry after their graduation in December 2014.

As the students return on campus here in Wotutu, our motto is still on: Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. There were many smiles on the faces of these young men as they listened to the truth that helped three of them in Bayai Panya village obey the truth.

One of our former students, who is now a full time evangelist in Mbanga congregation of the church of Christ, the lady who sat next to him was his lovely wife, during the traditional marriage yesterday in the girl’s village in Mukonje. It was great to see young men making that very important decision in life mostly for those in the ministry. Keep brother Ititi and his wife, sister Mary, in your prayers.

During the traditional marriage it was also a time to meet with former students who are now evangelists in different congregations and they are struggling to do well with their calling to preach. Keep our former students in your prayers. God is using them a lot.

Brother Mbappe Guy and wife sister Lum stood for the congregation in Wotutu to offer a prayer to God on their behalf for a new baby girl that God blessed them with a few weeks ago. The baby is named Paulina. Keep this family in your prayers.

Brother Rene Meboka, another keen listener to our early morning radio program Back to the Bible, where we expose the truth to the population in Wotutu and other villages. It prepares them to start their day. We usher them into every new day with God’s word. Keep brother Rene in your prayers to grow to maturity.

It is also very important to me and our entire congregation that brother Eboli Samuel comes to our congregation when we have some work to do, like construction. By doing so he will listen to what we are saying. He developed interest to send his wife to start worshipping with us. The wife obeyed the gospel two years ago and she is growing well. She started encouraging the husband who claimed that every church is the same because he was attached to his Presbyterian denomination. He wore a white baptismal gown and this morning he obeyed after worshipping with us for the past two Sundays. Keep him in your prayers.

1) The first part of our entrance exams into CBIW will be on the 26th of April. Keep it in your prayers so that the Lord will help us select before December where the new Gamma batch will come in.

2) The Ediki congregation will host the Bible lectureship. We have invited others to come so that they will also help is reach out. By doing so many other congregations in the Kumba area will know about the existence of the Ediki congregation that is now revived.

We give our thanks to God for His providence in all that we do. We cannot do anything by our own. We thank you for obeying God and for standing with us to make this work be what it is. God bless and reward you in due season.

Do your best to share this report with others. God bless you and watch over you, your congregation and your family in Jesus name.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on April 6, 2014 .