Exciting Times In God's Harvest...

The first quarter of classes ended on Friday. Students in Denver are on campaign this week and are working in Colorado, Arizona, Iowa, California, and in Guatemala. These dedicated men are reaching out to various communities with the gospel of Jesus. Upon returning from campaigns, these students will have a short break before beginning a new quarter of studies. Please join us in giving thanks for their safe travel and praying for the success of their efforts in these campaigns, as well as, their studies next quarter.

These are exciting times, as reading through each report will show. God continues to give the increase as His harvest is plentiful. We continue to do what we can in providing laborers for His harvest. The greatest part of this work is the fact we are fellow workers with each other and our God. Working together as a team in accomplishing the Lord’s work is what brings such excitement to the whole process.

The team effort that is involved in this work demonstrates how the body of Christ was intended and designed to work. No one person has all the talent, and everyone does not have the same talent. God has given each person various abilities so that when we all come together the body functions in a way that fulfills God’s purpose. We are grateful for the incredibly talented men and women who are connected to this kingdom work. It is an honor to work side by side for our Lord.

Please take a few moments to read through this week’s reports, as they are filled with news that exemplifies the hand of our God at work in His world.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

The latest report from Howell Ferguson is located here.

Extension Reports 

Nine More Souls Added In Cameroon: After two students returned from campaign, it was learned that nine more souls obeyed the gospel. The total is 54 for the campaign.

Baptism, Restoration, Leadership Training, And New Facility: The title about says it all, and this is one exciting report to read from Paraguay.

Sound Doctrine Spreads The Right Doctrine: Changes are occurring in Ukraine. The efforts are reaching into Russia to train students in sound doctrine.

Growing In Grace: The message of God’s grace continues to strengthen the church in Nigeria, as the Southwest School of Evangelism shares the news.

Spiritual Disciplines For The Purpose Of Godliness: This year’s ACSOP Leadership Conference in Arusha, Tanzania is designed to help strengthen character.

Tanzania Chronicles: The Hochdorf family may still be on furlough, but the news that Sean shares continues to show the great work in Tanzania.

Back In Tanzania And The Work Continues To Grow: Two reports are combined from Jimmy Gee about the news from Northern Tanzania. 

Final Thoughts
As the last few months of 2013 transition into a new year, there will be much planning among the Bear Valley staff for the year ahead. This is also the time of year when elders and mission’s committees begin their planning. Thank you for including the Bear Valley Bible Institute and the Extension Program as part of your plans. From the financial support, to your encouragement, abilities, and prayers offered for this work, God has blessed us abundantly. We look forward to a fruitful 2014 in our effort to honor and glorify our God.

God bless

Posted on October 6, 2013 .