Help Us Help Them Help Themselves...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

God’s desire is that all men every where be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth: how about you? Your prayers, support and involvement continues to manifest itself in the saving of countless souls. Another question: does our life, actions, service and good deeds genuinely reflect our desire to see that all have heard? There are any number of ways we can “know” our life and deeds reflect that of God’s desire, a desire to reach the lost of this world with the saving message of the Gospel.

Over the past three weeks I have been blessed to share God’s mission work in Tanzania with many. The good being done through the Tanzania 2000 mission effort continues to bring forth much fruit. What has been done, is presently being done, and is yet to be done, is in part, possible because you care. 

The Andrew Connally School of Preaching has now graduated 120 evangelists, another 20 from the Master’s program. These men are now serving more than 150 church plants throughout East Africa. They are planting new congregations every month. The need to train more faithful men, that in turn might be equipped in God’s Word, able to take the saving message of the Gospel to their fellow countrymen, grows day by day. We will add fourteen more to this number at the end of November with the graduation of another class. If the Lord wills and we are able to secure all the sponsorships needed, we will enroll thirty men in February to meet the need of the many new church plants. 

Another amazing way to “go,” to “teach,” to “preach” is by putting Bibles into the hands of the men and women of this world. We are pleased to announce that we have received $5,298 toward our $15,000 goal. Our hope it to put 2,500 Bibles in circulation throughout Tanzania and East Africa in the coming year. We know God’s Word will never return void and that souls will be saved through this effort. 

Bible Tracts and the Printed Page are two more ways to share the Word of God with others throughout this world. Recently we have learned of three souls being added to the Kingdom through their obedience to the Gospel. This was made passible because three faithful men taking the time to study God’s Word and putting into their hands one of the following: a copy of Searching for Truth (translated into Ki-Swahili), a copy of the T.E.A.M booklet (published in both English and Ki-Swahili) and a Bible tract. One convert is in America who read a copy of T.E.A.M and was baptized into Christ. 

Please “help us help them help themselves.” A Bible - $6, ten Bibles - $60, 100 copies of T.E.A.M - $150, 1,000 tacts - $20 (one tract will be read by 10-30 people). As you and I consider our blessings from God, let us do our part in “going,” “teaching,” and “preaching” God’s Word to God’s glory and to the saving of many lost souls.

May your week be a blessing to others as you strive to do the will of our Father through service.

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 27, 2013 .