Nearing The End Of The Alpha Class...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from the brothers and sisters here in Wotutu. It is great for us to relate what made news in CBIW. We do hope this report finds you in good health and sound faith.

It was great in our worship today as we were surprised by the students of CBIW. Today was just the last Sunday for the current students to worship with us as they will leaving school to their different locations for full time permanent work in January 2013. They donated a new pulpit stand to the Wotutu congregation as a sign of their own appreciation for the care and love shown to them throughout these two years.

Our programs in CBIW went on well. Brother James Coker finished his course on the Pastoral Epistles and traveled back to the USA. He made it home safe, while brother Josh Austin, the coordinator, came and is doing fine with the course on Marriage and Family. After the class on Saturday, because we are taking the class down to Saturday to meet up with time, some students went to 4 locations to nurture and preach in our young congregations. All of them returned safe as of now we praise God for and we thank you for your continuous prayers. 

The picture on the left is brother Josh in Class, teaching the course Marriage and Family. It is a great course that will go a long way to strengthen families, because we have strong families then the church equally will be strong.

Brother Josh taught Bible class this morning, on Marriage and Family, to help those who were not in the normal school hours to also benefit from it. It was great as 141 people were in attendance. Our group continues to expand. Keep this work in your prayers.

The leaders of the Wotutu congregation, with the students of CBIW, met for their last meeting. The meeting was well planned to meet up with the coordinator so that they can give their advices to the students as they are ready to face the world.

1) This Wednesday, we shall all move to the last campaign for the year in Douala French speaking area for the annual lectureship. Keep us in your prayers that we shall travel safe and God will use us to make known His name to many.

2) Our first graduation ceremony will be next week on the 20th of December 2012. Please keep that in your prayers. The same day we shall also have the second matriculation of 25 new students who will start their studies for two years starting this January 2013. Keep us and this work in your prayers. Thanks for being part of the work. 

On behalf of the staff, students and members of the Wotutu congregation. We thank you for all that you have done to make our ministry get to this level. You are in our prayers and we pray God to be with you and help you in all that you do for His glorification. Do your best to share this with others.

Prayer Request
Please keep my wife in your prayers, for it is one week now since she delivered. She is sick. The baby is doing fine, but she is not sound.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director of CBIW

Posted on December 9, 2012 .