A Year In Review...

2011  Year in Review
We have planted three 3 new congregations and have baptized thirty (30) to date. 

Five brethren were restored and, currently, we are working in two places, one in Kpalime and the other near Kpadape with the view of planting a church there.

Ninety (91) one contacts were made for Bible studies and three major gospel meetings conducted.

In 2012, we plan, as God enables us, to start 4 new congregations around Kpalime. The students will use the church planting exercises as part of their practical assignment.

Five denominational preachers have been baptized since September 12 when the academic year started. All those baptized are students of CBS.

About 1500 pieces of tracts distributed.

CBS, since April 18th 2005, has trained eleven (11) evangelists, working in various towns and villages.

112 met for the “Watch Night” service on December 31st  2011
There were 112 who attended the watch night service. These people came from six congregations in the Kpalime area.


Posted on January 9, 2012 .