One Special Day In Uganda...

Today was one special day in Uganda. I had opportunity today (Uganda time) to meet up with one of the graduates from the Andrew Connally School of Preaching in Arusha, Tanzania. Mwero Raymond who is working in the Congo and Uganda made the trip to Busia, Uganda to visit with me about his work. I was encouraged with Raymond when I had opportunity to teach him at the ACSOP in November 2009. Since that time we have visited by e-mail on numerous occasions. It was such a great privilege to visit with him today. I learned he has been instrumental in converting an entire Pentcostal congregation. Now the Lord’s church, this group of Christians is growing. This is one of several stories Raymond shared about the work he is doing. I urge you to be praying for this strong young man and his family as they are evangelizing for the Lord.

As you have probably determined, I am writing this report while visiting the work in Busia, Uganda for the first time. The Uganda School of Evangelism operates under the oversight of the Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. Francis Wechesa is the director of the school and has done a wonderful job in training men to teach the gospel. Presently, there are 20 men who are enrolled in the program of study. This is the second class to prepare themselves to evangelize various parts of Uganda and neighboring Kenya.

Later this week I will travel to Togo for graduation. This will be the first graduation Bear Valley is privileged to share in with the Center for Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo. The school is under the oversight of the Gabriel Oaks Church of Christ. Willie Gley works as the director, along with Cephas Essotena Nyemanta. This is the second class to complete their studies at CBS. Eight men will receive their certificate this week and will continue to work in various areas they have already been serving the Lord in Togo.

Next week I will travel to Ghana to participate in the first graduation ceremony for the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies. The first class to complete their studies consists of 15 men. Their efforts to complete the studies at TIBS will be rewarded next week. The work of TIBS is part of the mission work of the Mountain Home Church of Christ. Steven Ashcraft was instrumental in establishing this school and has helped develop the work over the past two years. Steven is now working as the coordinator for both the school in Tamale and the West Coast School of Preaching in Takoradi. Joseph Baah serves as the school’s director in Tamale.

The next few weeks will be full of great activities. I will have more to report about the two graduation ceremonies in the reports to come. The growth of the work of Extension Training continues to shine in various parts of the world where we are privileged to share in this effort. The reports are listed below.

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Howell and Mary Ferguson recently returned from a three month trip to work with the BVBIU in Gorlovka, Ukraine. Howell’s latest report speaks of the success of the recent class graduating from the school.

Please pray for Gary and Sarah Fallis while they are in Cambodia to work with the school and local congregations. 

Extension Reports
Challenges In Nepal: As the work continues to grow, Jerry Gophenee explains some of the leadership challenges facing the school.

Rainy Season Causes Great Damage At WCSOP: The school in Takoradi, Ghana has received great damage due to the seasonal weather, from the heat to rain. 

CSMT Reaches Another Great Step: The second graduation at CSMT brings a step of independence in the work of Nigeria.

A New Week In Tamale, Ghana: Again this week, Tony Johnson provides a report about his work in the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.

Nepal Could Criminalize Conversion To Christianity: Several changes in the government bring the possible threat of persecution. Jerry Gophenee shares the latest information in this report.

News On Graduates Of BVBIU: Howell Ferguson shares a report about the plans for the recent graduates in Gorlovka, Ukraine. 

More Souls Added In Tanzania: Cy Stafford continues to share the great news coming out of the Safari For Souls Campaign in Arusha. 

One Exciting Report From The Gee Family: Jimmy and Trina Gee report on one powerful conversion and the timing is awesome.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to work in this program. The men who make up the staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver and the Extension Program are dedicated men who are diligent in preparing men to preach the gospel. I know of no finer men.

It is exciting to serve side by side with these men and I look forward to the future development of this work. Entering into my third full year in the Extension Program will bring many opportunities. The next six months should allow us to tie up some of the loose ends and begin to focus on developing new areas of the world.

We are praying 2012 will allow us opportunity to look at a couple of areas where schools can develop to train men to preach the gospel. We invite you to pray with us as we move ahead. Let me thank each of you for your support of this great work. Your vision for reaching the lost through training men to preach the gospel is the backbone of this work. We could not do this without you. Thank you!

God bless


Posted on June 13, 2011 .