The Work Of Evangelism And A Man Of God Make A Good Combination...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We rejoice in the knowledge that our God is a loving God, able to do mighty works in and through His people. Your prayers and support for God’s work in Tanzania through the Tanzania Mission effort is appreciated beyond our ability to adequately express in words. With all that we are and all that we hope to be, we say thank you. Thank you for all you do. 

The Bear Valley congregation working with and through the Bear Valley Bible Institute International leadership is doing a mighty work in the Kingdom. They understand the need and our responsibility to share the truth of God’s word to all people. Our God desires that all people come to a knowledge of Truth. Our desire is to be God’s desire, therefore, we too desire that all come to a knowledge of the Word of God. 

One way that will ensure Kingdom growth is through the teaching and training of faithful gospel preachers/evangelist. The Andrew Connally School of Preaching in Arusha, is one of 17 preaching training schools around the world under the leadership of the BV congregation and BVBII. 

As of this writing, the ACSOP has graduated 140 evangelists who have gone out to do some really amazing things in their own counties and with their own people. These men, their families and the church family they are serving, are doing some really amazing works in East Africa. 

One such example is our brother Yusuph Mdaki. Here is an excerpt from his latest report:

Evangelism: “The work of evangelism continues to do well according to God’s command during this July. I had the opportunity to make evangelistic trips to the following congregations: 1) Bukoba, one soul added to the church; 2) Lulembela, four souls added to the church; 3) Ushirombo, one soul added to the church. I have worked with these congregations discussing how we can evangelize the great lakes zone. 

Our plan is to have a crusade, house to house evangelism. This effort will include one month of prayers, with fasting and a program to edify the local congregation in the area of spiritual growth and Kingdom growth. 

To ensure much success we need your help with the following: 1) 2,500 Bible Correspondence Courses. 2) We need 200 Bibles. 3) 5,000 Bible Tracts. Please help us share God’s Word to the lost souls of this area. 

The crusade will include the following congregations: Katoro, Mganza, Kazibizyo, Lulemela, Nyamigota, and Mtiga. Lastly, we need your prayers, God’s blessings and your participation.”

This man of God has proven himself to be faithful, effective, and an amazing example as to who we should be. Please pray for him and his family. Please help him as he gives of himself sacrificially to the lost and dying world in East Africa. 

We celebrate with the Gaines family in the good report little JoJo received. We thank all who have prayed and supported this family. We are very grateful to have them on our team. 

Until all have heard….

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on August 9, 2015 .