An Influential Conversion To Be Praying About In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

It is always amazing for me to stay back every Sunday to make what makes news here to you who live thousands of kilometers away. Our greetings go to you and we do hope you are doing fine.

The work here continues to make progress as we go out to do what the Lord has commanded us to do. We train preachers and at the same time nurture those the Lord has put under our care, to show them and encourage them to stay on the track that leads to heaven.

Moving around weekly and sharing the bread of life to many on our way free of charge is our business. The free bread is always available, but unfortunately many don’t know it. This is why rain or sun, we must reach out with this word to hearts that are searching for it.

Last week was examination week in BVBIC-Wotutu. The students went through their exams without any major problem, except for brother Oponde Daniel who lost his father and could not make it for weekend evangelism. He was home as the eldest son to make preparations towards the funeral. The father is laid in the mortuary, as he must go through the short course first, what a faith we have here. Keep him in your prayers and his entire family.

Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism. The four Gs are gaining ground in BVBIC-Wotutu, as we make sure the work is just as God intended it to be. You can see our students feeling free, happy, and blessed as they share the truth going house to house.

Our students continue to gain ground, as one of them, Njikeng Cyprine, officiated on the Lord’s table. Keep praying for them as they gain knowledge to serve in the near future.

Praise God our coordinator is here. He came in safe and sound to teach the book of Galatians. Wow, what a great book that our students will benefit from a good instructor. They start the short course tomorrow. Pray for their health and for knowledge to understand the work and their business here in Wotutu will be accomplished.

I was at the Bova congregation last week and two little kids saw me giving out Bibles to new converts. They moved up to me and said, “We are not up to the age to be baptized, but we really need a Bible.” I was so impressed to see their desire not just to hear the word, but to see the word of truth with their own eyes. It was amazing to me and I gave them a New Testament Bible in my bag. I will give them a complete Bible when next I visit that area.

This is what baptism can do. She smiles in the water pool after her long study with the church of Christ. She is called Franca Endoh. She has been a teacher with Brightland Christian Academy for the past 3 years. She has been studying with us being part of the devotionals and like that, she met me privately to ask some questions about the New Testament church. We show her and you would think she is getting it, but she just says, “thank you.” I just added some more knowledge to my learning. But join us to praise God that she obeyed the gospel within last week. Keep her in your prayers that her faith and devotion to God and the school will create an impact to the church here. She is very influential.

Keep our students in your prayers as they start short-courses this week. And after the short courses they will move for their third campaign of this year.

God is faithful and He can see our hearts how we are not only thankful to Him, but we are thankful to you for all that you are doing to make this work smooth. God will bless you and keep you strong. Thank you for loving the Lord and the old rugged cross. Without you and your prayers and support I personally doubt what would have happen to this work. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director BVBIC-Wotutu

Posted on August 30, 2015 .