A Week Of Encouragement And Edification...

About 3,500 Christians from all over the United States are gathered this week in Tennessee for one of the largest lectureships in the country, Polishing the Pulpit, or as it has come to be known, PTP. Several from Denver traveled to share in this lectureship, both as lecturer and listener. Brethren will be encouraged and built up in the faith as they spend time each day digging more deeply into God’s word.

During this time, students continue their studies in Denver. The past week was a busy one for students, as they participated in a “Rapid Recharge” seminar on Tuesday and then the “His Shoes, Her Shoes” marriage seminar over the weekend. While students spend each day studying how to prepare themselves for ministry, these seminars benefit the development of each student involved. It is all part of the training process.

Students around the world also make their journey through the extension training program. The excitement witnessed in their progress is evidenced by the numerous souls added to the kingdom. This week is no exception. Reports continue to emphasize the ways God provides the increase to the planting and watering of the seed. Each report below indicates the evangelistic effort of the staff and students in changing many lives. We believe you will be encouraged as you read about the progress made. 

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is http://www.wetrainpreachers.com/extension-schools/

Extension Reports

God Is Doing Something Great In Wotutu, Cameroon: This truth is seen in all the schools and this week a husband and wife obey the gospel adding to this truth in Cameroon.

Souls Obeying The Gospel And Churches Planted In Kenya: The effort put forth by staff and students at the Kenya School of Preaching is making a difference.

Committed People Working Together Toward A Common Goal: While announcing the progress of the work in Arusha, ACSOP staff express gratitude in our working together.

Final Thoughts
Thank you for another week of standing behind the work of training preachers. We can never express the depth of our appreciation enough. You make this work possible. Thank you for being the tool in God’s hands you continue to be for this work. We need you and we pray God’s greatest blessings on you for all you do in the kingdom.

God bless

Posted on August 23, 2015 .