Marriage Class Strengthens The Church In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end. We do hope you are doing great. We are also doing great and God is blessing our movements.

Our students finished up all their campaigns and will stay with families for a week and move back to school for the third quarter. I visited some of them within this week and they are doing great in health and this their work of reaching out to souls.

Our work here in Wotutu continues to experience progress. This weekend we saw fruit from the Marriage and Family course by brother Bill Stewart. Brother Kingsly and sister Remind who were fiancés for long after the course made the move to regularize their stay before their families. The church was there to witness and to encourage them to move ahead.

Sister Remind dressed in her traditional regalia. She is supposed to be in this form and in front of elderly women who have been in marriage for many years who will teach her how to dance and they will advise her and give her gifts that she will take to her marital home, as the culture demands.

After the traditional dance, she will dress and they will give her a glass of a traditional drink where she will dance in the crowd to show her husband to the public. My wife, who accompanied her, was present with her which will give her courage and some moral support to do that in public. It is colorful.

This morning in the church we used God’s word to encourage them so that they will start building their home upon God’s word. They presented themselves in front of the congregation that offered a special prayer to them after worship.

1) We shall be in Muyuka the third week, by their invitation, to help evangelize the community. Keep that in your prayers.

2) We shall also make another trip to Batoke to finalize the establishment of a new congregation, which will be the first in the entire west coast of Cameroon. Keep us in your prayers.

3) Early next month we shall move to Ediki village to revive a congregation that is dead. We passed through that village of recent and we realized that a congregation that was established in 1974, but stopped worshiping since 2010 because there is no one to preach. After a short survey we realized 5 Christians who cried out with their voices that we should come back and help them. Keep this work in your prayers as we plan to do just what will please the Lord. If we kick start the work again we shall be sending students on a weekly basis to go there on weekend evangelism till we shall graduate a student who will take the work full time. If not so then our work will not make sense again. Oh, oh it is sad that people are willing to serve God, but no one is there to help lead them (Rom 10:15).

Praise God for you, for all that you are doing to make things happen for the glory of God. You are in our prayers and we trust God will not pass you by when He will return to reward His servants. We love you and we pray for you.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on July 7, 2013 .