Spiritual Disciplines for the Purpose of Godliness...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We thank our God for the privilege of serving in the Kingdom with each of you, our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Our family, the family of God, makes possible the seeking and saving of the lost, the ministering of the needy, and all to the glory of our God. God continues to do mighty works in Tanzania through each of you. Thank you for allowing us to be where we are, doing what we are doing, all for the purpose of serving our heavenly Father. 

The Tanzania 2000 mission effort is for the purpose of godliness. We strive to know and do God’s will to the saving of those yet in darkness. We strive to teach others that in turn they might teach others. We believe in the good people of Tanzania and our hope and trust are not in vain. Here is but one example: I received a note from our fellow servant, Yusuph Mdaki. 

“The lady teacher of the primary school here at Ushirombo town has become a Christian. This was made possible by God’s Word and through the evangelistic book; ‘Tafua Ukweli’ (Searching For Truth).”

We fully understand that if we are to build a self-sustaining work, we must continue translating great Bible teaching material like “Searching For Truth.” We are very much indebted to World Video Bible for all their efforts in taking the Gospel to all the world. We use their material daily. We highly recommend you go to their Web site and check out the vast array of material available; www.wvbs.org. A very special thank you to Rudy Cain and his team for a work well done!

Stephanie and Jessica McVeigh just completed a ladies and children’s seminar at Mto wa Mbu. Stephanie said the turn out was wonderful with 70 or so children and 40-50 ladies, mostly from the Massai tribe. They teamed up with our sisters, Jane Massawe, Agnus Kambarage and others in an effort to build up the Body of Christ in that area.

We are very excited about our up coming annual Tanzania Leadership Conference. Men from all over East Africa will be arriving this week, mostly from Tanzania. This year’s theme is, “Spiritual Disciplines for the Purpose of Godliness.” We anticipate over 150 evangelist and their wives. 

We will also have our first “Alumni” meeting. In an effort to help our graduates in their efforts, working together, helping each other in the work of the Church, we are helping them develop this association. Our brother Godfrey Mngoma will be serving as acting President until they select from among themselves a new President.

Too much to report in such a format. Please remember Stephanie and Granny in your prayers as we are separated for the month of October. I will be traveling, reporting, fund raising, etc. and will not return to Tanzania until November 1st. Also remember Rod Minor and Danny Smelser who have both lost their mothers in recent days.

Thank you and may our God bless each of you as you strive to do His will by serving others. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 6, 2013 .