Drop A Pebble In The Water...

 "But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been  brought near by the blood of Christ." Eph. 2:13

Dear Fellow Workers

Our phone rang at 3:30 am Friday morning with the news that our neighbor and sister-in-Christ had passed away. Ahimidiwe wanted to use our van to transport Bertha's body to the morgue. Bertha's death was due to taking the wrong medication for her high blood pressure. Although the local physician failed her, the Great Physician will not. Last year, Chris Akin (our brother-in-law) began the initial studies with her. Chris had to return to America before the studies were completed so Ahimidiwe (preacher at Kisongo) continued the teaching resulting in her baptism (July 2012). Bertha was the grandmother of another member, Lembris, and was related to several in the congregation in Kisongo. 

Who knew Bertha would go to her eternal destination the very next year? Who's to thank for her hope of heaven? First and foremost, Jesus Christ...the only Hope any of us have! Secondly, everyone who supports the TZ 2000 Mission work and those who supported the Akin family to come to Tanzania can. And who taught Chris Akin the Gospel? Besides his wife (Beth) and her parents, Bill Wilkinson from Cleveland, TN shared the Good News with him. After Ahimidiwe was taught by Wilfred Massawe, he graduated from the Arusha Bible School and ACSOP...both schools established by the TZ 2000 Mission Work. All of this reminds me of the message of the following poem by James W. Foley:

"Drop a Pebble in the Water"

"Drop a pebble in the water: just a splash, and it is gone; But there's half-a-hundred ripples circling on and on and on..."

Yesterday, several ladies from the Kisongo congregation went to congratulate Judith Mitalami on the birth of her son, Rick (named after Rick Nobles, an American who is a good friend of her husband, Michael). 

Heather and Candace are thrilled that their good friend, Happiness, is out of boarding school for a few months!

This morning at Kisongo, Loveness did a great job teaching the ladies' class on the topic of "Faithfulness." How rewarding it is to see the Tanzanian ladies "taking up the torch" and passing on what they've learned! Next week, Ludavica (Ahimidiwe's wife) will teach. Abigail taught the children's class on the miracles of Jesus. Second year student, Philemon, preached on the "Hope in God." First year student, Kennedy, (from Kenya) translated the sermon into English for us.

"May the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance; The Lord be with you all!" (2 Thess. 3:16).

With Love from Africa,                                                                                              

The Jimmy Gee family

Posted on October 27, 2013 .