A Wonderful Week In Extension Training...

Graduation has been completed in most of the schools for this year, except for one in Nigeria, scheduled next month. June was an eventful month as you have read in previous reports. I have since returned home and set out on a month long trip to see personal supporters and talk to others about the work of extension training. I am thankful for the safety of my travels and I am glad to be home. Thank you for your prayers.

After leaving the work in Tamale last Monday, I received an e-mail from Steven Ashcraft and Tony Johnson about the tragic news of a dear sister in Christ who passed away Monday evening. Tony’s report below references this incident. I know they would appreciate your prayers on behalf of the family during this time. Sister Avril was well known and respected for the work she has done throughout Ghana and especially the benefit she brought to the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies.

We are reminded of how brief life is throughout scripture. Times like this remind us further of how quickly life can be taken from us. This is not an isolated situation. There are many around the world who are facing the same challenges. The purpose of the work we are doing in training men to preach the good news of Jesus Christ is helping others learn how to prepare for the time when they leave this earth and stand before our God.

The magnitude of this work cannot be measured by the number of students, classes taken, souls who are added to the kingdom, or any other physical method. Only God is able to measure the benefit of the work around the world where the gospel is being preached and the lives it will touch in the years ahead. I hope you know how much you are sharing in this effort. The support you provide, prayers offered, encouragement given, teaching, and campaigns, all add bricks into this spiritual house being built around the world. Thank you. 

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Donnie Bates reports about his recent trip to Honduras, as they prepare for the next class of students in Danli. 

Extension Reports 

God Gives The Increase Again In Cameroon: David Ballard, who has been teaching two short courses in Cameroon, was instrumental in evangelizing and seeing the fruit of his labors.

Fruitful Labor In Nepal: The work of the students in the Kathmandu area continues to show the fruit of their training. Gajendra reports on the work in Nepal.

Building Registration, Baptism, And Prospective Students: June brought positive results to the work in Gorlovka, Ukraine. Dennis reports about the news at BVBIU.

Triumph And Tragedy In Tamale, Ghana: Tony Johnson shares news of the past week in Ghana. The triumph of graduation and the tragedy of the sudden loss of a sister in Christ.

Progress And Development In Uganda: As the school moves forward with training preachers, the church continues to develop throughout Uganda. Francis Wechesa talks about the needs.

True Heart Of The Tanzanian People...A Must Read: Cy Stafford shares news about the Safari For Souls campaign in Arusha and then a special story of a baptism. I urge you to read this one.

Studies / Campaign Organized And Planned: The Gee Report provides information about the development of more studies and a campaign by the Kisongo congregation.

Long Term Plans In Cambodia: The commitment of leadership in Siem Reap demonstrates what is needed to help the church and school grow into the future. 

Final Thoughts
I was privileged to speak yesterday for a congregation in Jerusalem, Arkansas. All I can say is wow! I have been encouraged in many ways over the years, but this stop has been one of the most encouraging. I love seeing the response when sharing the work of extension training. The interesting part is I feel this way every week when I read these reports.

From one part of the world to another, the reports demonstrate the sacrifice people are willing to make to obey and follow our Savior. The reports share the dedication of the Lord’s people who serve throughout the world. As well, the love for the Lord, the church, and the lost, from those who are doing this work continues to overwhelm me.

I am humbled. Our God is a great God. In the limited years of my life I have been blessed and privileged to read about the way God has demonstrated His power in the lives of so many. I am thankful to share in a small part of this work. Thank you for making this work possible and giving me the opportunity to serve. I love you and pray for you every day.

God bless

Posted on July 4, 2011 .