Exciting numbers from Arusha!

New Quarter just begin at ACSOP

After a long and busy holiday, the Students at Andrew Connally School of preaching are back in class. As I was reading some of their reports while they were home, I found it necessary to share with you just in summary what the Lord has done through them. As you read and think about these numbers, remember as to this time we have 18 students from first year and 10 students in the second year. These students come from 25 different congregations in East Africa. The following is a statistical average result from our students’ effort during the past two months that were at home visiting their family and work with their home congregation. 

  1. Number of Bible classes conducted – 256
  2. Number of Baptism – 102
  3. Number of Bible correspondence course – 1012
  4. Number of Bible tracts - 2180 
  5. Number of restoration – 87

I would like to give thanks to all the School workers; instructors both local and foreign missionaries for their great love and dedication, to enable these faithful men to receive necessary training to become good preacher. Let me assure you that your labor is not vain knowing what Paul wrote “For we are God’s fellow workers…” [1 Corinthians 3:10 NASB].  

We have started receiving the application for the class that will begin February 2017. Five applications have been turned in and more preachers are calling for more application forms, please continue with your prayer and we prepare to receive a faithful men who desire to work for God in their lives. 

Goodwill tour: At the end of Jully 2016, I and brother Michael had an opportunity to visit three of our students who come from Kenya. Second year students, brother Nathan, Philip and Harrison are doing great job in the kingdom of God. As we were in their villages had an opportunity to fellowship with several Christian family, conducted bible classes and share with them many literature materials that we brought from the school. In our visit to Kenya we were able to meet with several graduate, encourage them and invite them to attend leadership conference which will be on October 2016.

Thank you again for your support and prayer as we all continue working for Him and the Kingdom.

In Him

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania.

Posted on August 16, 2016 .