Challenges Face Campaigners In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings and love from your brothers and sisters here in Cameroon. We are doing better in health as many continue to suffer from different health conditions which are being provoked by the weather conditions now.

We do hope you, your family and the entire congregation are healthy. We praise God for you.

Our report today is short but it shows growth in one angle of our labor, which is a dream come true.

CBIW students in the mission field are doing great in their efforts to reach out to souls. The one I visited among different congregations is doing well but with a few problems which is normal with mission.

One of our students, Nitua Vincent, was arrested along side many young men in the village in which he was suppose to transit to another village to do campaign. There has been an uproar in that village since January 2014. The government officials came to make peace, the villagers brutalized them, so they went and sent for the police to come and arrest people in March. That was the same day that our student was suppose to pass through that village to another. He was arrested and he awaits trials. We have done all we have to do to meet with high ranking government officials. All these efforts seem abortive. We have to allow it into God’s hands. Please keep brother Vincent in God’s hands and for justice to prevail. The case will come up on the 28th of March 2014.

On the other hand, brother Konlack Patrick was harassed and beaten with sticks by another man who is a strong pagan and worships stones and treks around his compound. He met our students preaching to his family who are all followers of his gods. One of his daughters, 28 years of age, obeyed the gospel with the mother. Along the line the mother withdrew her declaration because of fear of her husband, but the young daughter moved on and was baptized. She was happy and decided to follow our student away from the home when she saw how the father beat the student preacher. She said I must follow God in heaven. It is a surprising thing to me that in this 21st century we still have remote villages in Cameroon that still behave like that, but I lift up my hands and say thank you God for bringing CBIW who will train men that will penetrate the hinterlands and souls already in bondage will be liberated. Thank you for standing by us (Rom. 10:13-15). The students will return on campus this Saturday and we shall share with you the details of their campaign. Keep all of them in your prayers.

My wife taught a lady who had never been the school, who is my mother. We started another program in the Wotutu congregation which we call Adult Literacy Class. The classes are divided into two, one is made up of those who have never been to school, since they were born like my mother who is above 65. In their days it was useless and a waste of time to send a girl child to school. This gesture will bring many closer to us, as their teachers for circular studies and the gospel will also come closer to them, as we reach out to their children in the elementary school. It is also an opportunity to reach out to their moms also. Keep this in your prayers, as it will bear fruit. Many keep coming. It starts in the evening after they return from their farms from 4 to 6 pm, now that we don’t have electricity. If we have electricity in the near future, it will exceed more than 6 pm. Keep the work in your prayers also.

A hand full of girls, mostly who went to school can read and write but they are not perfect in that because they were either dropouts for a lack of money to continue, or they were forced into early marriages by their parents. You should see how eager they are to learn. More keep coming. When the electricity is there, it will help many.

1) Reaching out to many is top on our agenda. Many communities need us to come.

2) Touching lives in many ways is our dream. Many need the touch of God.

We shall not stop thanking you for all that you are doing. Without you we would not have been able to do all this for the glory of God. Thank you. Thank you for your prayers, love and help. God alone will reward you. Do your best to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on March 23, 2014 .