Tragedy in Tanzania

ACSOP Good will trip Jully 2018

“Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when he saw the city was given over to idols”  (Acts 17:16 NKJV). During this time of the year, We the faculty of Andrew Conally school of preaching gets an opportunity to visit our second year students before they graduate. Our purpose for the visit is to continue to encourage our students and building the relationship between the school and all the congregation that send their students to our school. Also we use this opportunity  to recruit new students. This time again, Michael Losotwa and me will be going to Kenya and get to see six students who lives on different location. Ahimidiwe and Charles will be going to Dar es alam, Dodoma and places within the mainland, where we get many of our students each year.  It will take us several weeks before we come back for the third quarter. This year we are expecting nine students to walk on the red carpet and get ready to go back to their home place and work in their community. 

As we begin our plans, I always recall some Paul missionary journey in the first century. I know and am sure this journey works as an experience for us preacher and Bible students as we visit different cities. It is not strange to meet people and some of the strange beliefs. It will also be an opportunity for us to meet and see our ACSOP graduates. It will be our responsibility to encourage them also for the good work they do in the Kingdom. More of these reports from our graduate students will come when we return.

I am very sorry to inform you that one of our first year student (Godfrey Msuya-43) from Dar es alam passed away last week by being beaten by bad guys as he was coming back home from his daily work. He has left behind a wife and three children. 

Above all things we will never stop to thank you all our sponsors and supporters for continuing love for our school and the Lords work is being done here at Arusha and East Africa beyond. As we always say here Till all have heard! See you next time. 

In Him,

Godfrey Mngoma

Dean of Students, Andrew Connally School of Preaching

A Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver extension school

Arusha, Tanzania

Posted on July 6, 2018 .