A bright future in Zimbabwe

The month of June has been a memorable one at BVBIZ. This is the month when the school had her first ever graduation ceremony. Besides this graduation, more things have been happening. Below is a report of what transpired in June. This report also contains a profile of each student.


BVBIZ held her first ever graduation ceremony on the 2nd of June. The program was well attended and went beyond our expectation. Many church leaders and, besides relatives and friends of the graduates, came to witness the ceremony. Members of the church from far and wide were also present. We appreciate God for such sacrifices. The program took place at the Nashville church of Christ grounds. The theme of the day was “Developing new frontiers in the equipping of evangelists for ministry and church development.”

A total of 10 men and 2 women graduated on this day.

BVBIZ was blessed to have 2 guest speakers, that is, Donnie Estep and Dr Daniel Gwini. Dr. C.T Mugweni was also available to lead the ordination process. These succeeded in giving relevant messages to the students, faculty and those in attendance. We appreciate the sacrifice these two made to be with the school during this important day.

Students who do well should be recognized and rewarded for their efforts. There were 11 awards on offer. Almost all awards found sponsorship from individuals who have chosen to be associated with the school. Some of the awards have been named after their sponsors and some of these shall stand as a memorial for long in the school.

The graduation class set a record which is yet to be surpassed by the next classes. This is in terms of their practical which they did throughout the period as students. Among other accomplishments, they preached 359 sermons, taught 299 bible classes, and baptized 251 souls!

BVBIZ was blessed to have Brother John Dube, a representative from Healing Hands International, with us. He trained the new students in drip irrigation technology, crop and poultry production. BVBIZ aims to produce competent graduates who are multi skilled in several areas. It is expected that these students would then use these survival skills as they preach the word.

BVBIZ shall be embarking on poultry production. Our appreciation goes to Healing Hands International for providing $2200 for this project. The money is for the raising of 300 birds and other initial set up costs. The first batch of 150 chicks shall be arriving on the 3rd of July while the next one shall come on the 20th of July. After the training that was done, students shall start taking care of the broilers as part and parcel of their training.

Your brother,

Mathew Muchingam

Director, BVBI-Z

Posted on July 5, 2018 .