Upcoming courses in Myanmar

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Dear brethren,

Greetings. I hope and pray that you are doing well and has been busy in the work of the Lord.

I am happy to inform you that our school begins on March 19 and ends on April 20, for five weeks in this session. The students are coming and we will have ten students. Five subjects will be taught in this session by three visiting instructors: NT Church and Life of Christ I by Dr. Steve Christian, Acts and Personal Evangelism II - Church Planting by Jerry Bates and The Godhead by John Lucius.

We are expecting and praying to have a good school again and covet your prayers.

After this school session, we plan for campings again with the students who can join and those who cannot join, they may have their own plan of evangelism.

Yours in His service

Philip Van Biak Lian

Director, BVBI-Myanmar

Posted on March 20, 2018 .