The Gospel Spreads More Than Ever In Tanzania...

“Praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. …. Believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women. When the disciples were increasing in number…….” (Acts. 2:47,5:14,6:1).

The disciples went out and shared the good message of Jesus and many obeyed the gospel. Through their diligence of sharing the gospel, the gospel spread MORE THAN EVER. That’s why many obeyed (Acts. 5:14). Though that was in the first century, the same can be spoken of by many of God’s servants who are laboring day and night to spread the message, which can save people’s souls here in Tanzania.

We thank God for wonderful blessings which He has been pouring on us. One is that through His providence He provides us with co-workers from various parts of this world. We thank Him for the brethren from Hoover, Alabama and Elk City, Oklahoma who worked hard in His vineyard here so that many lives can be reached by the gospel. These brothers, with the help of many servants who are here, were able to set up many Bible studies and helped 18 souls obey the gospel these past two weeks. GOD IS SO GOOD. His message has power to save lives for every one who believes (Rom. 1:16). Even our brother, Saidi, obeyed the gospel. Saidi was formerly a Muslim who was taught and obeyed the gospel this week in the Manyire area. Please continue to pray for us as we continue in following up on the studies established, and also building up those who have been added to our number.

We thank God for providing such a faithful and generous partner to work with in His Kingdom, like you. Thank you for your prayers and support. All this could not have been possible without your prayers and support. Many souls will be in heaven one day because you decided to share. THANK YOU SO MUCH. May the Lord of peace give you peace beyond our understanding.

Your servant in His Kingdom,

Charles Mwanga,
Assistant Director
Andrew Connally School of Preaching
P.O. Box 14041, Arusha - Tanzania

Posted on June 21, 2015 .