The Time For Graduations...

The week ahead is the final week of studies for eight men who are prepared to enter the ministry. Graduation is scheduled for next Sunday morning and the week will be filled with activities from the classroom to the banquet room. This week is one where we laugh and cry together as we say goodbye and pray for these families who transition from full-time studies to full-time ministry. Please pray with us on behalf of these graduates.

Denver is not the only group celebrating graduation. The Bible Institute in Ternopil, Ukraine also celebrates graduation next Sunday. Additionally, over the next few months the Tamale Institute of Biblical studies in Ghana will graduate men on July 2nd, the Southwest School of Evangelism will graduate men on August 28th, and the Center for Biblical Studies will celebrate their graduation on September 5th. Consider the number of men from these four locations that will send men into the ministry in their respective countries and pray for the impact they will have on the world.

The privilege of working with each extension location is humbling and exciting. We are thankful for the opportunity God provides us as we prepare men to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus. The world needs hope and the message concerning the death and resurrection of our Lord is the only one that provides for this need. We appreciate the opportunity to walk along side each of you in the greatest work on earth.

We request that you pray for each of these men and the work they participate in each day. Also, we ask that you continue to remember the challenges facing the work in Nepal. Reports continue to emphasize the need for the people of Nepal, but also our brethren. The report below highlights the devastation experienced by our brethren in two districts. Please read through the report and pray about how you can help with the situation.

Now on to this week’s incredible reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

The latest report from Gary Fallis can be read by clicking here.

Extension Reports 

Preparing For Graduation In Tamale: Staff and students at the Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies prepares for their next graduation scheduled for the first part of July.

Destruction In Nepal Impacting The Church: The report from Nepal hits close to home with numbers indicating the destruction that impacts the church and Christians who were killed.

God Gives The Increase In The Safari For Souls Campaign: There are times when reports are extremely powerful and this is one of those reports that is worth the read.

The Effective Sending Of Preachers In Arusha, Tanzania: Following the biblical model of Jesus sending out the 12, the ACSOP is sending out students to aid the growth of the church.

Final Thoughts 
Thank you for reading this week’s report and thank you for considering the work at Bear Valley as part of your service to the Lord. We appreciate your willingness to keep this work alive and fruitful. God continues to provide the increase as we plant and water the seed. With each of you, the task is easier. Thank you.

God bless

Posted on May 24, 2015 .