Church Growth Perspective In Arusha, Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

It is our hope and our prayer that this note finds you well and blessed in all the right ways by our Lord. We thank each of you for your continued prayers and support, making God’s mission work possible here in Tanzania. God continues to bless your labors here by giving the increase to His Kingdom.

Church Growth, what exactly is it? It might be defined differently by many. The bottom line is “What is Church Growth as God would have it? I believe you all are a part of genuine Biblical Church growth as seen through the Tanzania 2000 mission effort. Let me illustrate:

Church growth is two dimensional; spiritual growth (individually and collectively), numerical growth (locally and on a worldwide basis). Congregations throughout the world do what they can to help the individual and the local congregation grow in faith. Congregations on different levels are doing what they can to grow locally, spiritually and numerically as well. All to often, congregations fail in their duties as to numerical growth outside the local congregation.

Such is not the case here in Tanzania. Let me illustrate:

Today a husband and wife obeyed the Gospel here at the Arusha congregation. This came to be because one member, our brother Mwinyi, invited this couple to our Friend’s Day two weeks ago. They came and our brother Christopher Mwakabanje followed up with a study of God’s Word. The rest is history, a case of both spiritual and numerical growth within the local congregation.

The Arusha congregation has planted several congregations throughout East Africa. This year alone, they have planted the Kwa Mrombo congregation, over 40 new converts, (in conjunction with the Safari for Souls campaign, with the help of the Hoover, AL group and those who came with them. The Arusha Church is also in the process of planting another congregation between the city congregation and the Kioga congregation on the slopes of Mt. Meru. 

The Monduli congregation (with the help of Danny & Nancy Smelser) have planted a new congregation on the outskirts of Monduli town, over ten new converts (near the Tanzania Christian Clinic). 

The Mto wa Mbu congregation has planted the Kamaba ya Chui congregation in the village new Lake Manyara. They have around 15 souls meeting each week.

The Kisongo congregation hosted a Ladies Day this past weekend. Close to 60 ladies from many congregations participated in this great event. They had one guest speaker from America, Jimmy Gee’s great aunt, Edith. Edith is a retired school teacher who loves telling the story of God’s love for all mankind.

The area wide congregations have joined hands and have gone to Babati to help a sister congregation grow spiritually and prayerfully numerically.

Space simply does not allow a complete list of all the good being done as the Lord’s Church grows in Tanzania. A simple sampling of God growing His Kingdom in one small part of the world of some 7 billion souls.

We close by asking; what is your definition of “Church Growth” and is God pleased with your level of participation in this most important aspect of life as God would have it?  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 10, 2011 .