First Short Courses for Beta Class in Honduras

Danlí, Honduras - The Beta Class of the Instituto Bíblico de Honduras (IBH) began their first short course on Monday, September 12 with brother Lindell Mitchell teaching Christian Evidences.  Brother Cesar Tábora, one of the regular instructors for IBH, served as translator.

On Friday, September 16 Luis Camacho and I arrived at IBH.  Brother Luis will be teaching Personal Evangelism I the following week (September 19-23).  This is his first trip to Danlí and IBH and he is very excited to be here.

Brother Lindell returned home today (September 17) and I will return on Tuesday, September 20.  Brother Luis will remain until the following Monday, September 26, using his extra time to learn more about the area and get to know the brethren better and how he may be more effective in his teaching at IBH.  We are so appreciative of men like Luis who have the love for God, His Word, His people and the lost, that motivates them to do this kind of work.  And we are greatful to you for taking an interest in this work, as well.

God bless,

Donnie Bates

Posted on September 17, 2011 .